I thought I would start a discussion to get ready for the riots..I am starting to think they are waiting for the primaries to end and TRUMP 2024 gets ready to rumble..Personally I don't think portland can take another round of daily riots, but who the hell knows? I have thought about maybe they will move their head quarters down to Eugene this time maybe? Just so they don't feel left out of the action. And that would give the Ducks a little boost on recognition of DEI and participation trophies ...
Isn’t America great. When you have an opposing view you are able to demonstrate and have protest. You are able to express you opposing view. And that is great
All those Rah Rah, jump on the bandwagon dipshits are now demonstrating Pro Palestine, who'd a thunk it? Thankfully their attention spans are short.
I agree.....Hamas has taken over BLM and ANTIFA by the looks of the organized sign production for sure..
i think if these protests erupt as they did in days past they will be met with a suppressive civilian response in addition to the LEO response. that’s just a wag. “main street” people are sick and tired of being sick and tired of all the bullshit going on internal to this country that is determined to destroy this country. sick and tired. maybe that should be a motto.
Yeah commie rioters, try taking your commie riots and looting to conservative areas, where lots of good people with guns are. Good luck and enjoy the show folks
Hello Wizard...I might have to go look it up but the last antifa BLM riot in portland ended with five people shot and one killed..The riots had been down town portland where the democrats allowed rioting for hundreds of days in a row then antifa and BLM decided to move the riot more into a neighborhood away from down town and a armed home owner confronted them near his house and one of the rioters flashed a hand gun so he pulled his hand gun out and shot five of them ,killing one.....then no more riots sense the gun fight..I thought about sending the patriot a hundred bucks but I didn't want to be put on a list..The home owner will be in jail for a long time after the courts in portland convicted him of murder..
Something tells me there will be a lot more Kyle Rittenhouse folk ,waiting and wanting those protesters.
Bad is good, good is bad. That's how these degenerates roll. Shit is downright evil. You are subhuman to them. People who behave as actual subhumans, robbing, looting, murdering, destroying innocent people's shit, arson, actual by definition TERRORIST activities are forgiven because it's in the name of far leftism, but people defend themselves and are accused of being 100x worse than the actual terrorists. I have such little patience left for people that even a little bit buy into that evil rhetoric. It pisses me off so much I really try to avoid this social chaos and political bullshit as much as I can these days, just barely stay in the loop. Probably no real benefit in keeping up with it anyway.
Well Wizard...I feel the same as you do and I hope there are about 100 million others by next november..
I went from super left to ultra conservative around 2015. I noticed how these minority and anti establishment groups are only in it to cause violence, encourage theft and division, and line their own pockets and fuck off. Everything left wing after let's say.... 1960? Is brainwashed doing more brainwashing.
Good morning Talon....I left the democrat party around 2000..That was during the hanging chad ordeal in florida when Al gore wanted to throw out the military absentee votes to over turn the election..I found that to be disgusting,
Yeah I mean fuck Brandon. Trump isn't a savior, I don't even know if it's possible for anyone really real who isn't compromised to become pres at this point. Him included. But would ofc be a big improvement from the senile retard.
the problem is, the kind of people who would support trump are good people, better people. They are the kind who would respect the opposing view the kind that support democratic and global policies, WOULD disrespect the opposing view and feel justified in attacking that person, where as trump people are better people then that.
Perhaps a better understanding of what and why it is happening and being done; so you can better prepare for what is coming.
Right on, get ready is on. I was telling my son this last nite, We're getting ready but some are to scared to see it and some are too dumb to see it. I'll remember who they are for supply runs .
No, that’s just decent people realising that Israel is an apartheid shithole and not swallowing the pro Israel propaganda that’s eaten up by their moron neighbours. Only a scumbag would support Israel.