I thought this may be a good topic starter. Where did you get you nick? I got my nick, 'DeeJayBoy' from a few places.. Duh, I'm a DJ. There was a crazy arcade game back in the day called DJ Boy where you skated around on roller skate, whooping bad guy ass so you could get to your gig and rescue your woman or something like that. I was like, 9 or 10 when it was in the arcade. I have an ear for music and flow. When I was in school, people would ask me to make mix tapes all the time because I throw good sets together. I've moved on to CDs now. And yes, for my good friends here at the CoffeeShop, I've got a good dance music CD set that I will offer for only $5(just for s&h and CD cost). Of course, the music is only for evaluation purposes and you must destory it 24 hours after you get it. Well there ya have it.... Who's next?!
my brothers name is matthew james garden. hence, mjgarden. my name would sound stupid as a nick, aggarden. so, there you have it.
Koda is my cocker spaniel and Jake is my cat ergo, kodajake. The truth is I'm a newbie, when i first started to join sites(i joined them all at first, i thought u had to, to visit the site. I had so many, really cool nicknames, trouble was could'nt remember a bloody password or the "cool" name i used, pretty much as soon as i left the site... I learned, i chose one i knew, i would not forget.
AAGARDEN a walk in "a garden" might be nice. I had to work in that extra "a" in aagarden...thought a sstttutter might do it ps...it's cuter when ur buzzed ...sure am glad i did'nt try a long joke...heehee
Koda is my cocker spaniel and Jake is my cat ergo, kodajake. The truth is I'm a newbie, when i first started to join sites(i joined them all at first, i thought u had to, to visit the site.) I had so many, really cool nicknames, trouble was could'nt remember a bloody password or the "cool" name i used, pretty much, as soon as i left the site... I learned, i chose one i knew, i would not forget.
low key baby... phlat beats.. i usually kick back to easy going music. phlat ones. or something. i must have come up with it when i was high.
That topic's a good idea, it helps to introduce yourself. Mmm... Cava supernova.. I chose this nick for several reasons. In first place, 'cos of the song Champagne Supernova, by Oasis. That song's for kinda dreamers, & that's what I mostly am. Besides that, I luv Astronomy & gazing at the stars (even though that's hard from where I live 'cos of pollution ). & the third reason (why I chose Cava instead of Champagne) is that hey, I am Catalan, we drink cava, not champagne!
High all It really quite simple..I OWN A 65 PANHEAD TRIKE..I lost a leg an gained a wheel..LOL <image src="http://www.panheadsplace.com/images/65PanTrike.jpg" border="0">
this may sound weird but i really dont have much of a social life with the hours i work and at my job in a call centre no one ever sees my face so i'm a GREYMAN. no color no name . just a blank. [ March 04, 2001: Message edited by: GREYMAN ]
This is my screen name everywhere I go that pertains to marijuana. I am involved in so many activities to reform the marijauna and hemp laws that I thought that for people to read "Reform MaryJane Laws" then maybe it would stick in their heads and that actually it(the name)inself would help the cause.
Hey Unoit. I also luv my city You gotta see it again after the Olympics... You wouldn't recognize it, everything has apparently changed except the essence. Talks like she was so experienced.. & she's just a teen I just count on my family memories.. Gosh, just thought you were here at the Franquist period! Luckily it has changed since then. I'd really encourage you to see the current Barcelona, much more open now. BTW... the sand's still very warm on the beach in summer, but just like in any beach where the sun is shining.
Yaay! A kindred spirit! You a 'hardcore' gamer?? That kicks ass. I am all about games. I am a playtester for one of the largest software companies in the world. Age2X. That's cool. You play on Gamespy or the Zone? Lemme know what up, we should play some time. I'll take my leet Aztecs or Huns and we'll rule the world!
I'm the drummer for bob villa (one of the members here) [ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: bob villa's drummer ]
My name comes from the Melkweg. My favorite place in Amsterdam. [ March 09, 2001: Message edited by: milkyway45 ] [ March 09, 2001: Message edited by: milkyway45 ]
I got my name from one of my favorite places in Amsterdam, The Melkweg. There is a link to the Melkweg on the homepage. milkyway45