Where would YOU move to? OR, CO or NC

Discussion in 'General' started by Floweroflife, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. OK Blades,
    I am faced with the decision of moving again and two of the options are in MMJ friendly states. There are 3 spots on the map and I will start with the one that is not MMJ friendly and that is Asheville NC. Asheville is dope and it's a HUGH energy center and located in the mountains. There is A LOT of dank bud there and a lot of peoples grow there. The other spot is Denver CO and the last is Portland OR. In portland, you can have up to 24 ounces and a plethora of plants. This is more than Denver CO, which I think is only a few ounces. I can have a card easy because of my long term health issues but which one will be best? I am thinking OR or CO because of the MMJ and being legal is niiiiiiice:) Anyway, which one would you choose? Thanks all...Peace
  2. Denver or Oregon....

    I live in North Carolina and I keep hearing about how awesome Asheville is, I'm trying to go there this weekend with some friends if I can or maybe spring break (I Live in Charlotte)

    Also check this site out to find more about the areas you're moving too, I looked up Asheville

    http://www.webehigh.com/city/detail.php?CITYID=Asheville, NC
  3. personally id prbly go with North carolina.. but since your wantin mmj.. id goo with portland.
  4. Me, personally? I love Colorado and get a lot out of living here, but I can only tolerate living in one place for... maybe five years, and then I simply have to move on. It's been like that much of my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I have always wanted to try Portland out for a couple years, perhaps when I finish up my Bachelor's. Their bicycle transit system makes me dream of long commutes on summer days without constant fear for my life.


  5. NIce, NC is a dope state all together and the people are hella chill, esp in comparison to PHL and NYC and NE...
    Asheville is a hugh energy center, the art, colleges, the mountains,etc and there is a lot of dankyty dank. Either way, get yourself there and I think on friday's there is a hugh drum circle downtown in the center there....ask around. I met some chill folks and shortly after a few times of being up there, I met some solid connects. Hit me up afterwards if you can and let me know how it went...Peace
  6. 1.Go visit all
    2. See which one you like best
    3. ????
    4. Profit!
  7. Idk, I'd love to go west coast...east coast got old.
  8. denver without a question
  9. It's not a must but nice to have a grow op without the constant paranoia and fer etc.... IDK, Asheville is dope and most friends are on the east coast...
    Yeah the transit system is tiiiiiiiight :::)
    I miss CO and the riding/snowboarding is AMAZING... the bikiing in the summer is tight and the peoples are chill (at least compared to philly)
    Yeah man, I will prob move again after school but thats not for another 4-5 years : D
    I would go back out to hawaii but I was tired of the same island and the local drama. There isn't much work out there either in HI soooooooo, I came back here....Anyway, thanks for your reply...PEace
  10. yeah i feel ya on that, but if you look at NC grow laws, they seem pretty lax for being a non mmj state.. i would do north carolina because of the beaches.. oregon has the beach but its not the my kinda beach, eventhough its beautiful... colorado is hella fucking cold, but i hear nothing but good from em.. i think you cant go wrong with those 3 choices.
  11. Portland would be nice if you don't mind the rain. The snow there isn't like Colorado but I've heard really good things about Mt. Hood which is pretty close to Portland. I'm sure housing/rent is cheaper there too. I plan on moving to Eugene, OR next year. :D
  12. Colorado....or oregon.......north carolina is gay
  13. #14 autobahn, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    Well it just so happens that I live in oregon. Well, we have some of the best weed in the states, it was a piece of cake to ge my med card and Norml is just down the street fro me. So if y'all come to oregon come smoke with me!

    P.S. we are not rednecks like most of you think. I live in southern oregon and there's one city (ashland) that it's like there's a perpetual cloud of weed smoke hovering over it. That city has not left the 60's and is crawling with hobos and hippies. But yeah, Oregon is a really chill place. Not too many people here that are "anal" about weed. We're all pretty chill.
  14. I've always like the scenery of Oregon more then Colorado. Minus the whole weed thing, this alone would make me move to Or.
  15. Nothing better than Oregon's mountains! So pretty!
  16. I just got back from upstate Carolina (3 years). Lemme tell ya, OVER RATED. Conservative bullshit all around. Portland or Colorado without a doubt

  17. What is it in Denver or CO that you wouldn't even question?:D

  18. Really, it was that bad for you? I am thinking about all three and have a few months before the final decision is made. I will be visiting all three again and pick after a grow or too...
    Tell me man, was it all chill in certain spots and then boom, back in the bible belt? It was a shock being in the Carolina's but Asheville was DOPE! Ether way though it will all come together though. Thanks for the info and for sharing....Peace

  19. True....

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