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Where would one...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Feddy., Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Acquire a scale?
  2. Head shops have the ones you are looking for but you can find scales in a lot of places.

    I know target/wal-mart kind of stores sometimes carry them.
  3. head shops or online...usually big stores only have big scales that aren't precise for smaller amounts
  4. s.e.a.r.c.h.
  5. Headshop
    Maybe even HEB, Walmart, Target, etc...
  6. Online will be wayy cheaper. i got mine for 30 but a standard one at a headshop should be 20. Deff worth the buy
  7. i bought a scale that looks like an iphone offline and it was very cheap

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