Hey I have decided to invest in an Ehle and my favorite color combination is the Green with Orange outline. There is one that is listed as Green/red on the grasscity shop (but it is a picture of the green/orange combination). The problem is that it has a carb I have tried to search the interwebs for a place to get one that I want which would be: Less than 200$ Ice pinches Green/orange 18.8 circular base CLEAR so I can see the milk Maybe a perc? (I realize this may put me over budget) I can't find any place to order them custom or one that is even sorta like this so I need your help! Pm me? Thanks!
^this Unless 3.2mm glass bothers you, here's your tube... I cant give you a link because of forum rules but look for yourself. Only $110 for the 18.8 and that leaves you cash left for a slide, bud or a diffy.
You could always try to contact a glassblower and describe to them what you want. It would be exactly to your specifications.