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Where to go to college

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by ZootedCuteKid, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Im trying to decide where my best option to go to college is. So far my three ideas are either university of Arizona, university of santa Barbara or somewhere in san diego. Now my main criteria honestly is not education, and i really don't care if you think that is dumb. I basically am looking for the best weed prices, most relaxed weed attitude, hot girls, and best college experience. I am also looking to learn a lot about the weed industry, and hopefully get into it after college, so i would like to be around it during college.
  2. Dont even go to college save the spot for someone who avtually will use it
  3. So ... You going to blow 25+ grand a year so you can smoke pot at good prices? LMAO
  4. #5 ZootedCuteKid, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2012
    I worded that kinda of wrong. I am going to go to college, and get obviously going for a good education, but i meant that the schools ranking in education is not a huge factor to me due to the fact that a degree is a degree. Also i am relatively very smart so maintaing a good gpa has not been a issue for me. Also i am looking to obviously go to a big university with a lot of students. So basically what i mean is that obviously i'm gonna go to college and do what i gotta do, but a huge criteria in picking one is how life is after class, and all the other criteria i posted before.
  5. You mean $25k/year of his parents money so he can save a little dough on bud

    Go to community college, the weed scene is pretty big, tons of chicks, etc, then after 2 years, go to a good 4 year college and learn something

  6. Regardless of how i do the school community then, college for the remaining i can still be apart of the college while i go to community my friend does exactly that. Money thankfully is not the issue, and yes daddy is paying for it... I'm sorry if that bothers you guys but I'm grateful for the opportunity to go to college, and not have to worry about money, and he knows that, and is more then happy to pay.

    My Delma is where i want to go in cali or arizona... The reason i don't want to go to like colorado is it is way to cold, i live in nj and, im sick of seasons haha. I am probably going to go to major in business management so i can open up a shop within the weed industry once im old enough, and established. So that also is a huge advantage to living in cali because i know i can defiantly learn alot about mmj, and growing.
  7. I completely understand your attitude towards school; my philosophy is pretty similar. I'm almost done getting a math degree. Just getting a degree to have a degree.

    I hate being in school, though. I study more interesting material and learn more on my own.
  8. UofA not they way to go as far as environment and weed. I go to asu and several of my friends transferred here because it's a better location/environment and bud is so much better
  9. Save that money you would spend on college. Make smart investments.
  10. Im glad i am not the only one that feels this way haha.

    I have a boy at both so i know exactly what you mean...

    Thats not a option i want a college degree thanks tho...
  11. If you want to get into the weed industry, Colorado or Washington. If I were opening a bud store, I'd rather have it legal then just medical. I don't think that your attitude is too dumb. I mean is the quality of your education really going to be that much higher if you go to a more prestigious university?
  12. I have no prob with your parents paying for your college, more of you wasting their money on an overpriced school just to get a better social experience.

    Theres schools all over the country for business mngt, so theres plenty of options.

    Also the idea of trying to open up a shop in the weed industry will be alot harder than you think, theres been people living in CA, CO, WA, OR, etc for years that are way ahead of you.

    Save you dads dough, go to comm. college, a 4 year, and then maybe a masters, and it'll cost just as much as going to a big univ. for a bach.

    Bud is everywhere, trying to revolve around that isn't going to get you anywhere. you have the right idea, just gotta figure out your priorities
  13. Santa Barbara has it all in my opinion. Great weed, weather, and women. And the academics aren't to bad. Expect to party a lot if you go there haha I walked into a party their once and all the girls were half naked
  14. only way to know if its the school for you is to tour the campus.
    there are tons of party schools with different scenery.
    just tour the campus.

    as far as weed goes, if its not a med state you can expect about the same prices anywhere.
  15. Someone beat me to it. Community college for ass. then I'm going to a uni.

    Comm. colleges have many dealers on site or people who know the local scene.
  16. Honestly my dude if you are able to leave the U.S. definitely think about Vancouver B.C. It's super easy to get into. Weed is decriminalized (to a degree). There are places were you can easily find chronic downtown. Amazing there are places on W hastings and Pender where one can semi-legally smoke/vape. Specifically The bulldog vape lounge or in the New amsterdam cafe or nextdoor at the BCMP vape lounge (upstairs). Prices are dependent upon how much you buy but a usual pound of some B+ Kush will go for 2400, quarter o's on the UBC campus for the same kush (OGs, Bubbas, and purps for the most part but if your lucky you'll get rockstar or Master K) go for 50-60 dependent on your hook-up. From personal experience I went to UBC from the states and was in your position no less than 3 years ago. My first year there was CRAZY I met many BC marijuana activists including; Watermelon girl, Jodi Emery, Joe Fortt, Phd Paul Hornby along with many other amazing activists and people as well. B.C. is a very warm and welcoming place, Upon coming here I saw my first grow in less than a year and since became apart of the Union. Hope that you chose UBC
  17. I took a 4 month course at Rappahanock Regional Jail this summer
  18. Lol a degree is a degree....... That was a terrible statement! I'm honestly mad right now! You realize that your focused on marijuana only right now? Let me help you, me being a college student. Pick a college that has a great program for your major, no major? Don't go, it's a waste of money. Once you centered out a few colleges that are good with you major, find one that has a comfortable environment. A huge campus means hard to get around so be prepared. You realize college is at least 4 years of your life? Good weed prices for four years? Not worth the amount of debts you have to pay when your out. Oh and a degree is not just a degree, think about how much better a bachelors degree from Yale looks than a bachelors degree from anywhere else on a job resume? I'm not trying to be a dick but its always good to have your priorities ahead of the side stories of your life, like marijuana.
  19. I went to UCSB last year. Weed, women, and weather are always great. Academics are good too; especially for Physics and Engineering. I get better stuff in San Diego but its still nice. I deferred for a year but if you have any questions let me know.

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