I've never grown before, and I found a lot of information on here about how to grow, but does anyone have recommendations on where to buy seeds? I am an older guy with pretty bad insomnia and no connections at the moment, which is why I have finally decided to learn how to grow. I live in Mass., and I will be able to buy at the dispensaries when they open, but that won't be until late summer probably. It seems like all I can find are ads from companies that sell seeds, but I have no idea which ones are legit, worth it, etc. I plan to grow in a closet. Sorry if this is a stupid question (everyone on here seems to be so knowledgeable), but any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
I agree ive used them 2xs no prob.i just ordered more.. Sent from my GT-N5110 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
go to Amsterdam and get seeds straight from the banks. that's what I did and its hard to go wrong like that. otherwise I've heard lots of people with issues from attitude, but for the most part you should be ok...