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Where to buy glass pipes in LA!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Twist3d, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Whats up, so, here is the thing..

    Im from El Salvador, and my girl is going to USA in a few days, I want her to buy me a glass pipe, shes going to LA, but, I need to tell her where to buy it, she doesn't know where...

    In this country the cheapest glass pipe u get is for $25 - $30.. How much do they cost in LA? Where can I tell her to look for?, She needs to be +21 years old to buy it?

    She's 19...

    Thanks :D
  2. She has too be at least 18 years old and there are A LOT of smoke shops in LA. If she goes to chinatown in LA then there will be SOOO MANY places to buy a pipe. i would suggest getting a bubbler though... oh, and also the cheapest pipe would bee like $5 but a nice one would bee about $25. A bubbler is $15-$200.

  3. Venice Beach. No stoner should go to LA and miss that.
  4. I went to a place called Smoke with Mike in LA near Hollywood. If I remember right it was on Rodeo Dr. Small glass pipe for $10. That was 4 years ago now
  5. Tell her to hit up venice, it's littered with smoke shops. Probably could even try it at the damn store ha.

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