Where to buy Female - Female Adapters?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Pngwyn, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. There's a piece I have that is a DI with a male joint as the stem, so I need a Female-Female adapter so I can use it with a bowlpiece.

    I've looked at 3 LHS as well as the sites I know online and I can't find a female to female adapter. Anyone have any suggestions where I might find one?
  2. any halfway decent glassblower will be able to whip one up no problem.
  3. I literally thought this thread was Stonerchad asking where he could buy Females.. like on silkroad or some shit like that..

    and then I realized hes banned. and I shed a tear. :cry:
  4. Aqua. Lab. Technologies.

    Google those words together
  5. Thanks for the help, aqua was the first place I checked, but they've been sold out for a couple weeks at least. HPG had one with a little work on it though so I got that. Thanks fellas.

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