oh man its been like a month my guy hasnt called me back.this shit sucks no1s got acid around here anymore and just not long ago i was getting it wtffff this shit blowss i wanna go trip.
That's weird becasue we've never had acid around the San Diego area but all of a sudden there is a ton. Anytime of the day you can get it.
Most of the Acid "Cartels" are based within northern cali and Washington state area. Almost all of the independent chemists in the Midwest and eastern US have turned to making X or been busted. So therefore if you do not live in cali you are not likely to find it often (exception to the rule apply obviously) but yeah, sucks for me, cause I wanna trip
We've always had a little but it's been a real chore to track down. However, my friend just told me he's going in on 700 hits with some guy so I should be set for a while
not really. that'd be fucking terrible if your body needed to trip. its a strenuous drug, i get worn out when i take it. I take it when i start loosing my inner vision, innovative drawing and music creation gets hard to do otherwise. I usually don't need any more or the rest of the year. then again i know people who take lsd constantly during the summer and come out of it 'fine'