Where should i go?

Discussion in 'General' started by MoarKushions, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. Ok so im 19 and a freshman in college and its going alright but i just dont want to live like this for another three years. So ive been thinking about it long and hard and i want to travel and move out of my parents house.Ive been living here all my life in kingsport. i love all the people where i live but there is just nothing to do in east Tennessee unless i go to UT and my grades aren't up to par.

    So i need suggestions on the best place to live when you're my age on the east coast. Preferably near the beach.
    P.S. - Cities without old people and lots of things for people my age.
  2. What you need is some Florida action.

    for your age, tampa doesn't sound too bad, i mean it is small and University of Tampa is alright so your grades will go up and you will get used to it, might get bored if you aren't social though.
  3. If you like Georgia then GA Southern or UGA are good/fun schools.
    Im kinda in the same situation, I just gotta save up cash before I leave.

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