Where my Vets at?!

Discussion in 'General' started by Misanthropevet, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. Veteran's day is observed today, and technically tomorrow the 11th.

    Been out for almost 20 years now but one of my final tours was Iraq, anyone else was out there post 9/11? I also spent most of the early 2000's around Afghanistan attached to the 173rd(abn) for the Army or Afghanistan folks who might have been there too, I was there till about 2005.

    Anyway, just looking to see if there are any other misanthropic cannabis consuming vets out there like myself. Peace!
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  2. Not Me @Misanthropevet I Always Wanna Join Ina Marines When I Was Younger But I Can't BC My Brain Injury An Stuff They Say. I Respect The Veterans So Much Tho An What They Do For America Is Amazing An So Brave. Thank You All Vets From Now An The Past Too.

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  3. Here's a gun dude. Sorry, I carry bandages and drugs. Esprit D Corps.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. 1972 to 1975.
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  5. Drafted into the Army in 1969.
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  6. I took a bunch of vets to soldier field to see the Grateful Dead. One dude was an MP. Some frat boy/girl types harassed him about wearing a skirt. We had to tackle him before violence ensued. Ol' Skip was was a srs badass and they messed with his head.
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