Veteran's day is observed today, and technically tomorrow the 11th. Been out for almost 20 years now but one of my final tours was Iraq, anyone else was out there post 9/11? I also spent most of the early 2000's around Afghanistan attached to the 173rd(abn) for the Army or Afghanistan folks who might have been there too, I was there till about 2005. Anyway, just looking to see if there are any other misanthropic cannabis consuming vets out there like myself. Peace!
Not Me @Misanthropevet I Always Wanna Join Ina Marines When I Was Younger But I Can't BC My Brain Injury An Stuff They Say. I Respect The Veterans So Much Tho An What They Do For America Is Amazing An So Brave. Thank You All Vets From Now An The Past Too. ~Toni~
I took a bunch of vets to soldier field to see the Grateful Dead. One dude was an MP. Some frat boy/girl types harassed him about wearing a skirt. We had to tackle him before violence ensued. Ol' Skip was was a srs badass and they messed with his head.