i have a vision... and that vision is that all the grasscity smokers have an epic chronic chill sesh somewhere legit (shady peeps not invited lol). ~on a more serious.. or maybe just realistic note~ -- Where's all the kief tokerz in Indy at? Just wondering if there's a lot of you actively on here or not. I'm from the Norf side (rep rep), but going to school downtown, about to transfer to IU or Purdue next semester or in the fall. But enough of that, where yeh at?
No... RMJL isnt from indiana... but Indy is [obviously] ...Sup man... South-East side representa! Just recently moved a block away from my old house and now I officially live in "beech grove"... your kinda new so i dunno if im tryna meet up n kick it yet... but you can check out waytoomany.com for my qualifications.
haha yah i understand if i'm too new to chill with, but I think i've been a member for almost a year or something.. maybe not (I used to just browse the forums then i finally decided to become a member). I still don't post much, mostly because I don't have time or i'm too lazy haha. and also, I go to IUPUI as well. Most likely going to IU next year for optometry.
lol Naptown? where the hell is that? reminds me of Don Imus commentin' on the rutgers basketball team 'nappy headed hoes' hahah
I am from Indiana.... sucks that I live about 55 miles from Indianapolis. I didn't even know what Naptown was until this thread and I live in Indiana! I geuss you learn something new everyday.
haha. how about The Fort? ((ft.wayne)) I say someone meets up wid me on the 8th to go to the Bone Thugs concert... cough
shit man, BONE THUGSSSSSS, just by chance I happen to be playing one of their albums right now, no joke. current song is extasy. "POP POP POP IT IN YO MOUTH" that line just played haha, i like that part. N E WAYZ, when is it and where at? I'll google it and prolly find out before you respond haha. I bet that is the most chill concert EVER. just the best music ever and tons of THC. mmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Yeah, would be my second time seeing them. Sept. 8th, 2007 7:30pm The Murrat Theater Indianapolis, IN 46237