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Where is YOUR stash?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Tokin chitown, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. I know many of my fellow blades do not need to hide their stash, but this thread is to brag about your amazing stash spot that no one would expect. So, where do you keep your ganja away from pesky snoopers?

    I recently received a computer that is now doubling as an amazing stash spot. It has a lock on the side that only I have the keys to and since it is a server, it has amazingly strong aluminum siding so it wouldn't break very easily. My parents don't go near this thing because they know nothing of computers and are afraid it will break if they touch it. The only one that goes near it is my 6 year old sister. Pictures below.
  2. My stash is in Johnson's underwear.....
  3. I believe mine is chillin' on the dresser about to become smoked.
  4. most of mine is in my lungs and floating around our atmosphere... but the rest is in a safe hidden in a shoe box amongst many other shoeboxes that actually have sneakers in there....

    gotta love a size 12 jordan!
  5. mines in my truck cuz i smoke on the move

  6. ridin dirty... thas no good man... you should get a lockbox or suttin for your trunk...put it near your spare tire compartment... that way if you ever get searched your in the clear
  7. It's either in my backpack or dresser.

    Not very creative.
  8. In my bag I got from my dad that he got at his first GratefulDead show. Holds about an ounce+pipe+papers+lighter+poke.
  9. haha holy shit man I used to keep my stash in my computer when i lived with my parents. But since the computer was running one time when i had it in there it fried the computer. I had my bud in a little plastic container but ya it was a pretty good spot. I know a friend who lived in a dorm and kept his bud in his stereo because he smoked alot in the dorm and didnt want to get caught. As of now I just leave my weed out on my desk, counter, kitchen table, wherever doesnt really matter i guess now that im out of my parents house. also can you show a picture of it open and where you put the weed at because mine was close to the video card and the video card had a little ass fan on it that burned the shit to hell.
  10. I'm pretty sure that anyone who needs to go to great lengths to hide thier stash should be posting in Apprentice Tokers about it.

    Yeah, I said it. Let the negative rep flow.
  11. ya never know the scenario
  12. Mine is ground up in my grinder, which I put into an old PSP box and that is in the thing that the TV in my room is on top of under a few old towels....I like to keep it in the grinder as smell doesn't really escape and my mom wouldn't know what the grinder was if she ever got really pissed and searched me.

    My spoon is simply in the back pocket of some jeans in my dresser, but those jeans are the bottom ones in the pile, so its fine there I think.
  13. I have the real, old type wooden floors in my house. One of the narrow strips pops up, under there is my stash. It is up against the wall where the floor & wall meet. Virtually undetecable because the peice has to be slidden in & out of it's position.


  14. You're right, maybe one in one hundred people who have to hide their stash have a reason other than the fact that they are a kid living with their parents. There's always going to be exceptions.
  15. I keep mine in a graphing calculator case. That little case is amazing. It holds my bubbler, grinder, plastic container with my stash, eyedrops in case I have to go to work, and a lighter.
  16. all my stuff just sits on top of my coffee table. Bud, bongs, pipes, etc. But I'm also at college.
  17. Hah yea when I was living in the dorms I just had everything on top of my desk....oh how I miss school lol
  18. In my computer haha

    No1 ever found my stash.
  19. mine is in a secret hole in the wall of my closet aha
  20. I feel left out being the only one without a stash right now :( When i have bud it'll be in my computer, got a sweet spot.

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