It is not the Hippocampus , that only encodes and process memory What/Where is the "memory card" of the brain? where is all that we have and all we know getting stored.... because its there because i can remember it , so by the rules of western science it must have a physical pressence... right..? please help
Depends on the time-frame you are looking at. Don't be so quick to rule out the hippocampus, it also depends if you are recalling implicit or explicit memories. Long-term potentiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you've got some reading ahead of you, but I think this should be a nice jumping off point. If you are having trouble with the concept, it may help to review Action potentials, and you will also need to understand Consolidation edit: this may help as well (2)\tGive a brief explanation of the cellular basis of learning. Learning is another complex process which physically changes the structure of the brain. This physical change is a process known as consolidation, which includes the hippocampus transferring short term memories to long term memories via structural change; this is known as Hebb’s postulate. Hebb continued by discovering that if an axon is active while the post synaptic neuron is firing, the synapse between the axons will be strengthened, regardless of the strength of the firing (degree of depolarization). This process, known as Long Term Potentiation (LTP) allows even weak signals to be strengthened, and after repeated use, strengthened to the point of being able to depolarize the post synaptic neuron. Glutamate is the key neurotransmitter involved in learning, small amounts of glutamate will open the AMPA channel in the hippocampus. The AMPA is a common sodium channel which has a milder effect on learning. The major contributor is the NMDA sodium/calcium channel. The NMDA is blocked by magnesium, so a large amount of glutamate is required to displace the Mg and allow the Ca to enter the open channel. The calcium activated CaM Kinase, an enzyme that acts on phosphate groups on proteins. This initiates a more long term change in the hippocampus, as CaM Kinase makes the AMPA receptor more sensitive, and therefore more capable of being depolarized and firing an action potential. The CaM kinase also causes a physical increase in the number of AMPA receptors, and finally, releases nitric oxide, which drives the reaction forward, by forcing the presynaptic neuron to release more glutamate in short term memory. Long term memory, is again, dependent on calcium, but in long term memory gene expression is required. The gene expression is controlled by a second messenger, cAMP. Once activated the genes force new synapses to be formed, these synapses are believed to be the basis of long term memory.
What really gets me is if you could see the entire human body in it's most raw physical form, we could be compacted to the size of a grain of salt, since atoms are made up of 99% open space. So can someone please explain to me where inside of this grain of salt sized piece of matter I am able to construct images inside of my brain hold on to memories for decades on end? Where inside of this mass of matter do "I" exist? *sub'd*
God puts the memories in our heart and keeps them safe with the psalms and some good old fashioned bible larnen. I've seen people (my friend Calculon) loose his memory because of some explosive (or implosive) diarrhea ... i mean amnesia ... which disconnects the God given memories in your heart from the hearts feeling and learning area. Clearly, it is a Satanic force that causes the amnesia. Anyway, just say your prayers and your memory will stay intact. And dont get mixed up with that "science" the other guy posted.
It's tongue in cheek. I would love to see a model of how memory is stored electro-chemically. Unlocking this would go far to explain how consciousness 'works'.
you already know this is of great interest to me as well! now we already know the "theories and guesses" on the subject.... let us set back for a second and look at neuroscience is far from understanding how shit works...they are really only starting to scratch the surface.... i have some fucked up type of epilepsy..... this has a tremendous effect on memory.... now.....i have more back to back seizures then anyone the docs have ever seen.... also have had multiples of every kind of seizure there is.... and yet.....unlike most cases.... but not unlike all! they can find no physical reason for this to happen at all..... so.... no this is not the way it is .... this is the way western science wants it to be........ there is no physical reason/ cause the neurological rarities in my head.. the doctors love to point this out to me.... i have never seen such perfect MRI's from an epileptic patient.... i personally think your ideas on the subject are closer to reality.... the Hippocampus processes and stores/retrieves ones memories...... but where are those memories stored? we know what science wants to think..... but they have no way to give us proof yet.... i personally think that it is very possible that ones memories are stored in places that are not so physical.... why elts would he need one part to sort and store them and then retrieve them again.....and a second part to store them in..... where does the Hippocampus send those memories after processing? all communication between different parts of the brain is done with chemicals and electrical/energy signals..... the Hippocampus being hidden deep within the temporal lobe leads science to believe that those memories are stored in the temporal lobes... yet science has also proven....that the temporal lobe is sensitive to connections with things not of the physical world so why would it not stand to reason....and science.... that if there is a part of the human that is not physical in nature..... its connection to the physical would lay it this part of the brain.... so when the Hippocampus sends those memories someplace...... where do they go? it may not be a physical place at all..... the Hippocampus may be seated within the temporal have direct connection with the gate way to the "non-physical" part of the human....
If what your saying's true, then I've only one thing to say. !!!We'Re!!! holograms, our minds act as holograms. This was proven by some scienctific scientist's science experiment, where no matter how he 'reduced' a mouse's brain, the mouse was always able to 'retain' basic information. Basic information being the memory it had of the shortest route through the maze. That is a characteristic of a hologram, no matter how it is split, each piece will still have all the information of the original piece, albeit at a lower resolution. If that makes sense, Go,0d. If we can just accept that life is an illusion, we can do so much. My theory, [Not original, but anyway] we create life, reality is our collective imaginations. Came to me in a vision, one of great pleasure and ... shame. Why am I ashamed of masturbation?
Thats strange to think about, reading what you posted the first thing that came to my mind was fractals. No matter how deep you look into a fractal, you will seem to find the original pattern repeating itself the deeper you go, just varied a tiny bit. I've been trying to understand quantum mechanics lately and to imagine that matter at the most basic form everything is practically electricity and nothing in the real world is really as it appears to us since it only appears to us as we perceive it, not it's actual truest form, we are truly living in the matrix. I've always wondered that when I'm playing Red Dead Redemption if the character has any idea that his whole world is made up of electric code held on a 2D disc, even though he's experiencing a 3D universe with working physics and all lol
The atoms are what makes us, if you broke them down and compacted them you are defying the very framework of our universe, and therefore it's no longer relevant to consider memory and the human brain. To better understand it, I recommend you consider not atoms but neurons, electrolytes and neurotransmitters.
Great thread... Great thread!!! I was never knowledgeable in this subject, but I thought memories were etched into neuropathways. Either way, it's a mind boggling subject that touches upon the "soul" notion. Is there a soul and does that retain any memory? Or are memories (perhaps all too obviously) just the brain's stored data? I like to think there is something more to it all. It's either that or when we die it's just "lights out" and the memories die with the flesh.
It's thought that memory is physical stored in permutations that neurons grow in your brain. It is theorized that humans have practically infinite memory as it would be impossible to "fill" your brain up. Also your brain breaks down connections that aren't used thereby recycling space (though not exactly lending itself to the "infinite" memory idea)
As far as I know(I've done a fair amount of research on the subject), not enough is known about the brain to answer this question for sure.
See I don't think there is a memory card in the brain, because when you say if everything must have a physical presence, then that basically means once something dies your unable to remember it, and since you are able to remember say, your aunt even though she's passed away, it's safe to say they're probably not stored in the brain. I had a mushroom trip dealing with this, and I concluded that history, every little action, syllable and feeling, is catalogued in the interstellar machinery of the universe, and we just tune our brain to that moment in time or "pull it out of the air" as to re-experience, like our brains are hyperstellar DVD players and we can rewind, main menu, bonus scenes, extra credits, subtitles, and whatever else we want at any time. See, it's your mind, it's your reality, and nobody is smarter than you are.
I love to entertain the notion that Dimethtyltriptamine is your in and out of this world, and I always remind myself "This is as dead as you can get."
I don't think you understood, the idea is that the physical presence is inside of your brain. So if the memory is stored physically, in regards to a living person - when that person dies the memory portion in your brain does not die. That doesn't stand to reason. Also, if you're going to consider DMT then consider the power of time dilation, and how that the second you die, that moment of DMT release in death, could carry you into an eternity of thought. Just a theory (I forget who postulated this)... not one I am putting all my eggs with either, but allows for consideration of all knowledge being physically stored a mortal brain.
so your saying absolutness is the building block of all matter in its most fundamental form..... iv heard this before from old spiritual ideas and modern scientist