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Where get weed at collage

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pinkloebsta, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. #1 pinkloebsta, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Hey guys, I live in the Philly area and I was wondering where I can find bud at college. Ive been going to my new college for around 2 weeks now so I don't know who's got the connections yet. I found one hook up so far, but he has my paying 65 an 8th for headies.

    Are those normal prices for the Philly? What should I expect to pay for like a half O of dank?

    Should I just walk around asking people like my school has a strict no drug policy so I don't want to ask the wrong person.

    Thanks for the support.
  2. Sorry but this has to be a real stupid question, colleges are the easiest place. I was in the gym last night and heard people talking about weed.

    In the beginning of the year I just asked people in my dorm who smoke and where they get their shit at.
  3. Normally, I'm not the spelling police, but you're talking about going to college and you don't know how to spell college??

    Maybe you don't need to find weed at school.
  4. your definitely a cop
  5. Haha I can tell you guys know something's up so I'll come clean now. I'm a senior at a high school in the Philly area. I know plenty of people with weed and never have a problem scoring. However my main connect still has lousy high school prices and I just wanted to go to a near by collage and see if I could score anything for highs chool prices. Sorry I wasn't honest the first time around I just didn't want everyone bashing my post because I'm still in high school.
  6. Well he is cop or not but he should spell right hsould seem he is a student :)
  7. i still think your a cop
  8. Dank prices are 200-220 for a half oz.
    Mids are 120 a oz.
    Atleast in the NE
  9. collage hahahahah
  10. Ask the first person you see, get hooked up.

  11. You have to ask this guy named Phil. He usually lurks around the vending machines during class times and always has a beanie on and a beard.

    Just tell him Mr. Walrus Sir Ellington sent you.
  12. is this one of those trick questions where the question is the answer?
  13. i like how he still spells college "collage"

  14. Guess basic spelling isn't their highest priority.

  15. Dude he lives in Philly, what did you expect?
  16. Hay man, We knows how to spel in philly dood.
  17. ask the school cops they know how to get the best chron on campus:cool:
  18. i used to pick up from philly ALOT, mids will be like 100, dank is 200.
  19. Phila prices are standard. 60-65 for name brand eighths is fairly common. You don't typically get a discount until you're buying 14g and above.

    Like anything else in life it all depends on who you know.
  20. where can you not find weed at college?

    is perhaps a better question

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