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where does your weed come from?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. just kind of thinking, do you guys know where your weed is grown? how many people it has gone through before it gets to you?

    im not sure about my dealer, but i know for one of the guys i buy from he gets from some like 20 year old [were in highschool] who i assume buys from somebody who is in direct contact with the grower.

    thats just a guess though, could be completely off since i dont know the guy my dealer buys from, i just know he doesnt buy from a grower and the guy he buys from doesnt buy from the grower either (if that makes sense)

    i dont know if there is a thread like this already but i thought it would be cool to find out how much you know about where the bud your smoking came from.

    its kind of crazy to think about, how theres a huge cycle and you just end the chain by smoking it lol. :smoke:
  2. Since im in Arizona most of my bud comes from Mexico, California or northern Arizona.
  3. #4 iLoveWaterBongs, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Cool thread idea, I literally have no idea. If I buy regular, if it's compact and shitty then most likely a dirt farm in Mexico. If it's retained shape, is very green, smells nice, and is hairy then it is most likely grown on somebody's property in rural/wooded Texas. If I get dro it most likely comes from Austin or Houston, or even grows from Beaumont and surrounding areas.

    Edit: Occasionally I have had friends who have managed to grow a little and have bought from them. Or I have bought from guys who go straight to a local home grower. These were all cheapo deals, for great pot.

  4. So you smoke Snickel Fritz? I see...
  5. What the fuck is Snickel Fritz

  6. You call yourself a stoner and have never seen Pineapple Express ? Shame on your , have fun with your Snickle Fritz :wave:
  7. Im in PA really close to the marlyand line, and our buds come from baltimore for the most part. Then from bmore it goes to york, PA, then to my town.
  8. Ey man I just havent gotten around to watch it. I have only seen it once but dont remember.
    Im watchin Anchorman which Im pretty sure is better than pineapple express
  9. mexicans and black people, on occasion maybe a little upper middle class white boy
  10. I was getting mine from a dude that got it from a medical grow...fuck knows if that connect will still exist when I start smoking again. Either way though most of the stuff you get in CO comes from a medicinal grow op unless you get it from the street corner.

  11. LOL this ^^

    Give em the snickelfritz

    And also, i think my weed comes from my guy, who gets it from his guy, who gets it from his guy, who gets it from a grower.. but im honestly not sure.

    I wonder whot he grower is come to think of it,

    And OP
    I like that whole ordeal with the chain thing, made me think i would +rep you if i could:D

  12. QFT.

    As for the thread, I know the people that grow the strains I usually get.
    There's usually a large enough selection to where I don't really need to hit anyone else up. But it's always nice to see what else is floatin' around your town.
  13. Alright, for the biggest guy around here I'm pretty sure its grower to his guy to him, but now I cop from a dude he sells quaps too, but I get the same price because he thinks I could buy from his guy, and he's a good guy too. But other than that I have no idea, but I know for a fact its either the same length of chain up to maybe 3 more hands tops
  14. My dealer is one away from the grower, but I've met everybody in the chain.
  15. You must pay a lot for bud if your weed goes through that many people. My dealer buys from a grower.
  16. Northern California grown. At least that's what I assume, because I live there. Would be pretty silly if I got weed from other places.
  17. dont worry about it dude, but ya its crazy how somebodys months of work [growing,curing, etc.] is just smoked up by some random person they have never met haha and DC Dank i havent met anyone in the chain just my dealer.

  18. i pay 20 a gram standard price. how does the price go up because of how many people it goes through? i can see how each person is getting less bud if you get what im saying, like the grower sells 1 pound then whoever bought from the grower sells 16 ounces to 16 people then 16 different people around the state have an ounce of the bud some guy grew and they divide that and sell it and it can even go through one more person if they sell like a quarter and someone divides that up and sells it by the gram...idk if im making sense dude but im just pondering how many people the weed goes through.

    since all i know is my dealer has good bud but he has like fake names, so i know he doesnt buy from a grower because who ever he buys from gives him these bunk names like "Lemon Skunk" just stuff that sounds like a real strain but your selling dank bud you dont need to make a name up just say its no name...ok well im rambling lol think about all the shit i said, kinda crazy.

    do you mean that your dealer buys from the grower? or your dealer buys from a guy who buys from a grower? ahhh so many guys in this chain.
  19. In New Hampshire pretty much everyone grows, so I'm pretty close to the source. I do currently have some bud from Cali right now though

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