Where Does The Weed Go In This Piece?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by karate44, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Hey guys its my first time posting here and I recently bought this glass bong and I need some help .Does anyone know where to put the green and how to prepare this piece . The bong is placed in attachments.


    Attached Files:

  2. its called a Bubbler, basically a small mobile bong.
    the downstem and bowl is attached, all you have to do is fill it up abit with water, pack ur herb into the bowl, and torch that shit :yay:
  3. but where is the bowl ?  there is something that looks like the bowl but it has a small hole at a bottom and I think my green can go throught it :(
  4. so buy a screen or find a smooth pebble to block
    or you can always put a small nug and then fill the top with grinded bud for a good burn
  5. allright thanks :)
  6. #6 AaangelicaaA, Jun 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2014
    The orange arrow points to the green :)
    The blue arrow.... I think is your carb hole (can't really tell by the pic)
    Other attached pic is of glass screens that you can use to conserve the green and not let it pass through so easily..... they go right in that hole before the green.

    Attached Files:

  7. Wow u really went above and beyond to help this kid. Im just sitting here SMH. You patitence is adrimable!
  8. #8 AaangelicaaA, Jun 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2014
     Hey thanks man.... I deal with hundreds of 'stoney doodles' all the time!! If not for my patience, my husband wouldn't be able to make beautiful custom glass pieces for all ya stoney doodles out there. lol.  :metal: You design it, we make it ;)
  9. just break off a piece of bud that is big enough to block the hole, then out the rest of the ground up herb on top. Or as someone else mentioned, buy a screen. They're super cheap. They have them at gas stations, smoke shops and head shops

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