Where does the money come from?

Discussion in 'General' started by letsmokeasweet, Nov 25, 2023.

  1. I love how they teach us to hate the wealthy…who do you think keeps the economy going?

    Wealthy people spending their money
    The government spending other people’s Money?

    What do y’all think which way is better and is more sustainable?
  2. poor or rich I still pay over 50% tax, in everything thats Sweden for ya
    I bitch and bitch but the cops are nice the hospitals and socials work, and its a clean place, but 50%?
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  3. the slave class.
    On what? Chinese goods? Monopolies that destroyed small businesses? Here's a new report on the effect of the 1%.

    I think you are also forgetting the bailouts for the too-big-to-fail corporations. Isn't that an inconvenient truth.

    or how about the corrupt Soros who crashes economies, dictates NGO policies that flood countries with migrants, decimating GDP and the middle class incomes.

    Money is suppose to be a unit of trade for labor, not a slave-making mechanism to entrap the less privileged.
    Cap income. You'll find people will want to be doctors to help people, not get rich off usury.
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  4. I'm a hustler baby
    I just want you to know
    It ain't where I've been
    But where I'm about to go
  5. Rich people pay way more in taxes than we think they do. Personally they may not pay but their businesses that create jobs and pay people get taxes out the ass. The rich create jobs, create businesses and infrastructure. I know it's currently the in thing to pick on the rich but they are the ones who took the risks, invested the money, and worked the ridiculous hours. Look at Bezos, he literally started in a garage with a door on some boxes for a desk. Haters will hate though I guess.
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  6. Rich people aren't inherently bad. The people you should be looking out for are the (((vultures))) that Kanye got canceled for talking about. You criticize them for having too much power and they will exercise their power by taking your money away and smearing your name. They can do this because they control the mainstream news media, the music industry, hollywood, the federal reserve. Etc. You don't have to like the guy or his music to notice the evidence of how our society is controlled.
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  7. upload_2023-11-25_22-20-48.png
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  8. Processes that should never have been used to accumulate income.
    What's wrong with validating each and every member of society as equal?
    A surgeon cannot function without his assistant nurse, secretary, IT professionals, banker, cleaning people. I don't think any of these are worth more or less since the process ends without them. One can argue that the surgeon spent many years studying, but I would counter-argue that sitting in classes drinking lattes while the janitor was cleaning toilets is hardly comparable. An artist is an artist because they like art = good artist. Whereas a physician that practices medicine because he wants to get rich = bad doctor.
    Cap income, limit the politicians at the trough. I can live on 120K per annum, why does Christine Freeland, a journalist who never studied finance (probably failed math) the financial minister of Canada at a rate of 280K per annum? This is the problem. Once we take Soros' money away, he won't be able to destroy nations and their cultures. Once the politicians are limited to an even playing field, we may see a philosopher king again.
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  9. #11 maryglo, Feb 26, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
    This is the circulation of money, the world is built on it. If you are in business, you also try to attract as many people as possible, custom programmatic solutions can help with this https://teqblаze.com/ . Every business needs development and good advertising, otherwise everything can end badly)
  10. People hate the rich until they get their own wealth. Then they suddenly become hypocrites.
  11. Bringing awareness to the issue. Tell the world u got scammed, screwed, manipulated, ect. The power comes from hiding it. The more people that know, the more they are exposed, and the easier it is to take away that power
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  12. So true for the most part

    however, we are seeing some children of the wealthy publicly denounce their wealth and attemp to get rid of it

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