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Where do you MOST WANT to blaze?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by astro_zombie, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. [If there's another thread like this, sorry. I searched this and didn't get anything significant, so here goes!]

    Where would you MOST WANT to smoke up? What would be your ideal situation where you can just blaze through some nice bud?

    Mine would probably be at a concert, something like Warped Tour or Bamboozle, or maybe on top of a mountain or something. I always see people from Colorado or wherever post these pictures of beautiful mountains that they smoke up on and I'm so jealous! Another place would probably be at a water park. How fucking rad would it be to go down one of those huge water slides while you're totally stoned? hahaha

    Feel free to post pictures, if you really want to, but don't get obnoxious with it.

  2. The roof of the White House, like Willie Nelson did.
  3. public with no threat of legal reprecussion
  4. everywhere without the fear of the boys in blue tryna throw the cuffs on my ass
  5. the oval office
  6. any beach in santa cruz

  7. Amen.
  8. bottom of a pool. how? i dont know, but it would be fucking awesome to blow out ur hits and see them bubble to the surface
  9. #9 MaltedGrapez, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2009
    Oval Office with Obama
    or in tibet with some buddhist monks, if they smoke weed that is.
  10. we made a steam roller out of a pool noodle and blew our hits under water. it was sick
  11. either a helicopter, or the top room of the castle at disney world/land :hello:
  12. niagra falls
  13. oval office would be tight. schmoke a blunt with Obama.
  14. On the top of a crazy cliff with water below so i could get really faded then just fly off the cliff into the water it would be amazing. Or on top of a mountain.
  15. In mcdonalds with ronald and the crew : ) then you could go eat maccy dees
  16. In heaven/hell when i pass on.
  17. wow imagine sharin a blunt with st.peter and paul :)
  18. i wish i could blaze in my room .
  19. smoke a blunt in a plane on the way up, then jump out and skydive. high in the sky, baby. anybody here been skydiving? shit's crazy

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