Where do they store the fountain drinks?

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by ghostonvacation, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Where do they keep the soda in fast food restersunts? Are there massive tubs underground? Do they recycle spilled soda during the filling process?


  2. i think its syrup and carbonated water? they dont have underground storage facilities for soda. lol that might be cool tho because... you could turn it into a huge bong lol :smoke:
  3. That makes more sense

  4. There are five gallon bags of soda somewhere with lines going all the way to the fountain machine or to the soda gun. Where I work the soda bags are outside bystorage And it runs to several places in the restaurant
  5. Hmm used a touchscreen soda machine today hahah
  6. they have these concentrated syrup bags then its mixed in the machine
  7. Yup a co2 machine gives it the bubbly.

    I've often thought about installing one in my bedroom as my kitchen is a good walks away. But I'm more of a ice water guy.
  8. When I worked at this gas station the actual flavoring and co2 cans was all in the back of the store like in the store-room. There were tubes that fed the syrup and co2 to the machines like 20ft away. Weird system. Depending on how busy a place is you could be drinking 4 month old syrup. I dont think it goes bad but still.

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