Where do I place my compost pile?

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by JayBlizzle, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. I've never composted before so I'm wondering if one place in my yard is any better than another in regards to where I begin a compost heap. I was thinking of placing it to the side of my deck stairs, inside a 4'x4' lattice frame, for ease of access. Is roof runoff a concern, though? This location is directly under an eave with no gutter. Would the water running into the heap cause built-up nutrients to be washed out? Do I need to place my heap somewhere else or maybe put a roof over it? Thanks for anything y'all can tell me.
  2. Thanks, you two. Those are both helpful resources. I thought there was a lot more to composting than what I just read. It's a helluva lot easier than I thought. Now all I have left to learn is EVERYTHING else...
  3. That's the attitude. Just remember its all easier than people make it look. It's when we make it hard that things start going wrong.
  4. Now is the time to begin sourcing your material to compost.

    Once you have a viable heap going the next step forward is a worm composting bin.

    It's a fun , safe and healthy addiction to have.

    Make compost happen!
  5. Lots and lots of leaves and horse/cow/rabbit/alpaca manure will get you started...your neighbors will love it if you rake their yards...


  6. I'm not so sure about that. The other day I found my way onto a pretty in-depth thread explaining the benefits of Mycorrhizal fungi:eek:...I thought my brain was going to puke. I had to toke after reading it just to recover :p That was some heavy stuff!

    What's considered a viable heap?

    Leaves I have plenty of. I'm short on poo, though...horses are a big commodity around here so I shouldn't have a hard time getting some. How much poo are we talking about?
  7. LOTS.

    Once your compost pile has broken down it will probably be a tenth of the size you started out with...


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