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where can i smoke

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by jackson999, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. So I have my CA medical marijuana recommendation and I buy my bud from the clubs. I asked the doctor I got my recommendation from where i could smoke legally now and he said anywhere I can smoke a cigarette but is that really true? You can smoke cigs in the parking lots of my community college, on the sidewalks, in parks, as a passenger in a car, etc. Can you really smoke medical marijuana legally in all these places? I wouldnt do it at my college but all of the other places I already smoke and am curious if its legal.


  2. California NORML
  3. Thanks, what about any rules about where I can have it in my possession such as in my backpack at school.
  4. I think that would depend on the rules at your school. I know many schools I have looked up online do not allow MMJ on their property.

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