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Where can i get fuckin awesome bud...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by MurryJane, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. in seattle? :)
  2. lol cop
  3. Can't ask for hook ups, kid.
  4. no, i need it for my friends birthday. but whatever you can choose to believe that or not.
  5. no matter who its for youre still asking for a hookup....
  6. allow me to rephrase for u, lol pig...
  7. this sort of matter needs to be dealt with in person, not here at GC, sorry.
  8. you have a better chance standing in front of a gas station asking for trees. good luck btw :wave:
  9. look in Seattle.
  10. Yes most stations carry "bud"light.
  11. Ask the cops, they could probally point you in the right direction
  12. ^this
  13. Meet me in front of the chapel on Hamilton Avenue. I will be the man wearing an orange baseball cap with a parachute and fishing trousers. I'll have super duper dank chronotronophobia.
  14. i can haz some?
  15. cheez burger
  16. Maybe. It will get you so high you'll be wearing a parachute like me.
  17. lololol its so easy to get weed in seattle
  18. exactly..

    don't ask on here.

    why don't you take a stroll down the Ave in udistrict, starting at around 47th going down to 40th? it's not hard. i used to get offered bud on my way to classes all the time

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