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Where Can I get a 110mm rolling machine in boston area?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by EastCoastSwag, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Which Head Shop sells one for a good price. And I know the not using your hands is consider like a failure and stuff but I get pain in my wrist from one that I broke awhile back. So Rolling would be hard at times.

  2. I don't exactly live in your area, but a great place to start is something like google or yelp and find smokeshops in your area and give them a call and ask them if they have it. Usually what I do when I'm looking for something specific.
  3. Prolly from a smokeshop
  4. roll joints with a card. it's a lot easier. i have a really bad wrist too and i roll nearly flawless joints :smoke:

    [ame=]The Technique - a perfect joint every time - how to roll a joint - YouTube[/ame]

  5. sounds good i will call around thank you
  6. If sugardaddy's on comm ave. doesn't have one then you probably won't find one locally.
  7. I just sent a email to sugar Daddys. Thanks for the help everyone!
  8. if there are any local Tobacco shops then you will certainly find one there.

    every shop like that has numerous types of cig rolling machines.
    anywhere from 5-20 bucks from what i have seen.

    i had on of these rolling machines, zig zag in fact...

    id recommend just learning to roll by hand man.
    its just faster and cooler to roll one up yourself.
  9. I will learn to Roll I just want to be able to have like something to fall back on if I am to baked or just in to much pain to roll on my own.
  10. Ok so I just called sugar daddys and they do have the zig zag cigarette papers but no cigar papers and no rolling machine the guy did point me to a head shop on Harvard square in Cambridge
  11. just about any head shop or even tobacco shop will have them. They are made for roll your own cigarettes. 110mm on the other hand might only be at a headshop. and then yyou can only use 110mm papers which might suck i suggest the regular sized roller. If you head north a bit to Salem MA, theres a new shop called Witch Dr, they got em all trust me
  12. Awesome sounds good! By the way I was looking on amazon and on Zig Zag Rollers had some reviews of breaking is this true?
  13. i have the 78mm orange classic zig zag roller, have had it for years. the orange is almost all white it is so worn down, just use it the way it should be used it wont break. dont sit on it or anything.
  14. Ok thank you.
  15. There's always a person that has a problem with a product on Amazon if it has a majority of decent reviews you're fine.
  16. There was a few reviews saying it broke.

  17. Definitely look for a tobacco shop. Head shops might not have as large of a collection as a tobacco shop might, my local tobacco shop has dozens of rollers and tubes and 'injectors' and what have you.,-71.059773&sspn=0.280587,0.676346&t=h&z=11

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