Going hunting soon and you know sometimes mother nature gets the best of you so what's the best place to get body armor ? Level 2a or up . Thanks Sent from my HTC One using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I wouldn't worry so much about Mother Nature, I would be getting body armor for protection against the risk of getting shot by other hunters. Personally, I wouldn't want to lug around that much weight. Just creates less movement and more noise. Omega369
I got vests, I got tec's, I gotta nine for ya azz. Made a mess? At your behest, Gotta cleaner for ya azz. Sent from my MexiPhone5000
Wtf are you hunting? Bigfoot? Are you going to use hand to hand combat to kill whatever you're hunting?
humans....the hardest of the bunch. and eagles, iv seen them swoop up a baby ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb0P5t5NQWM
Hit up armor Gucci for some fancy designer armor. Lol.... Not. Killin things for fun is not cool. Sent from my iPhunny using Grasscity Forum appster
[ quote name="pokesmot247" post="19635479" timestamp="1394057910"]...unless its a videogame. Am i right?[/quote] Well yes because you see... Video games dont have any consequences, besides obeisiti. Sent from my iPhunny using Grasscity Forum appster
[quote name="ThuggishReefer" post="19635538" timestamp="1394058529"][ quote name="pokesmot247" post="19635479" timestamp="1394057910"]...unless its a videogame. Am i right?[/quote] Well yes because you see... Video games dont have any consequences, besides obeisiti. Sent from my iPhunny using Grasscity Forum appster[/quote] Unless theres a gun law on the table that is...thank you feinstein! And wtf is up with all the broken quotes today?
I don't remember which shooter it was in the last year or two, but I want to say it was James Holmes that rented body armor. I remember reading an article about it after it happened, so I looked up the company that the person used. It costs a couple hundred bucks to rent full on riot gear.