Where are the lesbians?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by kins11, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. I know you're out there. I can tell by your avatars. Haha.


    You can call me K, and i've been with my girl for over 2 years. I live in a state where gay marriage is legal, and we're engaaaged.

    Anyway, tell me a little bit about youuuuuurselves. I think it'd be cool to know who's gay around here since every once in a while you've gotta share some stuff most of the dudes in these forums may simply not quite grasp, you know?
  2. Well i've been keeping it a secret for awhile now but I too am a lesbian....I just I have this un-controlable lust for women :smoking:
  3. Really if you're a dude who refers to himself as a lesbian it's probably closer to you're implying you're gay, since, in essence, lesbian = gay.

  4. I fell in love with a lesbian girl one time, and then she had sex my sister.

    I'm not bitter, though!


    Seriously, though, that's happened before.


  5. Man, that'd suck.

    Did you know she was gay before you fell for her?
  6. I'm a lesbian. :] very proud lesbian.
  7. Woohoo. First one.

    Hi! =)
  8. In a way. I assumed that she went both ways, and we really hit it off after being around each other for a few months. Regardless, it's a long story and I don't want to turn this thread into a huge downer for everyone, so....

    Go Lesbians!


  9. I'm looking for them too..so let me know when you find them:cool::p
  10. lesbians make the best porn.
  11. only if they are actually lesbians and getting into it.

    sorry to hijack op, :)
  12. I did karaoke at a lesbian bar, was pretty fun although I didn't know a lot of the songs. I wonder if the lesbians minded me being there or not...
  13. This is Grasscity, not Craigslist!

    J/k, I'm not a lesbian, but I support your fuzzy bumpin goodness.
  14. welcome kins11. i am a lesbian and have been with my girl for 10 yrs :wave:
  15. Seems like most (not all) of the women on GC are lesbian or atleast bi. I wonder if theres a connection

    Maybe most girls who smoke are lesbian or bi

    Then again 99% of girls now days claim bi anyways
  16. I guess since we're doing roll call here I'll make my presence known, I'm a lesbian. No, I don't have a gf and no I dont want to see pictures of anyone's cat. Just kidding.

    Not keeping it a secret, but agreed on the lust for women. I'm just not a one woman at a time woman. You gotta spread the love right?

    (still drunk/high from last nights festivities, sorry if im not on point)
  17. No need to stay on point here. It's all in fun. =)
  18. agreed

    i hate "lesbian" porn, with those fake women. who are blatantly faking every minute of it.

    i like dyke porn. anyone heard of cyber dyke? i want a subscription LOL
  19. and, i can also tell by peoples avatars. lol!

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