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Where are all of the North Dakota smokers?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Always 1st Hit, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Anybody from North Dakota? Reppin that Sioux
  2. No but i recently watched ThunderHorn and it was an awesome movie that got me wondering if anyone has had crazy experiences on a reservation.

    My dad said he had a friend who used to go drink with the indians and one day was just murdered there.
  3. my dad runs equipment on the bakken site in Stanley...

    he tokes when he is home... does that count?:confused_2::cool:
  4. I've seen Fargo, does that count?
  5. Whats Up? Im in S. Dakota
  6. South Dakota right here!!
  7. Grand Forks! :hello:
  8. #8 Mistress Geek, Sep 7, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2012
    Double post!
  9. you could say im from fargo, im close-by. only get that home-grown dank here, have not seen schwag in years.
  10. I'm in Sioux Falls South Dakota. Thats at least only 3 hours from Fargo.
  11. I work up there.
  12. Bakken basin?

  13. Same here!

    Used to live in Fargo. Loved it. Love the disc golf course.
  14. Dazed Dakotans
  15. This is getting seriously frustrating... everywhere I go, nothing and no one. I usually don't have a problem going solo, but it's been months since I've had people to hang with and I'm beginning to wonder if I have some kind of social disease.
  16. Im in Fargo!! :)) Anyone out here know where to get some adderall. I moved here 5 months ago from Minneapolis and have been looking for a hookup ever since!
  17. Tell your doctor you can't focus, done. Ex-gf who doesnt even have ADD did that and now just gives them out to all her friends.
  18. South Dakotan here
  19. Wait..... U mean to tell me that north dakota is inhabited?

  20. Dakotan here, posting from my phone


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