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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by namron_420s, Jan 22, 2003.

  1. i disagree. =D
  2. if i agreed more, id be mocking you.
  3. The laws are supposed to protect us from others. That is the reason for DUI's. The law is supposed to take people off the street to keep them from injuring or killing someone.

    All drugs should be done in the privacy of our homes or property. Since drugs affect the reaction time of us all, we should not endanger the lives of others for our own benefit.

    The laws we have are more of power over the people instead of power to protect the people. There should never be a law to protect us from ourselves. That is gods job..

  4. if i disagreed any less, i'd believe you are already mocking me.
  5. america is slowly dwindling into fascism. i'm not saying that americans are fascists, far from it, but your political system rewards those who think dogmatic instead of those that think practical.

    and when america in addition acts like an empire (and dubja B as the emperor) the traces of fascism becomes clearer. if you're not with us, you're against us. those who are against us we punish. severly.

    it's fun listening to bush jr. talking about "freedom and democracy" when he himself is not elected. you have suffered a judicial coup de etat in america, i just hope you'll get it fixed by next election time. if there is one that is. if the socalled "crisis" continues, there are provisions in the us constitution to withhold (presidential) elections more or less indefinetly.

    in germany there was a similar taking of power in 1933. the nsdap "won" the election with about 30% of the votes. beeing the biggest single party, they were asked by bismarck (then president) to take government. the nsdap (nazi-party) did just that, and quickly went to work dismantling the democratic institutions and civil rights in germany at that time.
  6. Most excellent points you make Zylark, and Relief, and I wish to expound upon them some more, but time will not allow to me now, so I am essentially am bumping this thread back to the top so I won't get high and forget about coming back!

  7. Several easy steps to a revolution:
    Number one- learn politics
    Number two- get involved with a political party as a tea/coffee bitch
    Nuber three- claw your way up
    Number four- change the name of the party to the norm party and run in presedential elections
    Five- Get elected and tell the truth and be honnest and decent and just don't fuck people over generally.

    Well there is a fair bit of fine print (perhaps understatement of the existance) but hey- you want change- do it. Everyone can effect change. Even if it's only by raising awareness- even if u don't make pres u never know- one day u could effect someone who DOES!!!

  8. im sorry but i think u miss understood ... when i said any law that protects u from urself is a bad law ... that doesnt mean that making addictive drugs are illegal ... cause if i sit at home and smoke a joint im not hurting anyone ... but then if some guy gets addicted to crack ... he not only hurting himself .. but probobly his loved ones and people around him ...

    if this saying were in effect .. crack and heroin and simmilar drugs would still be illegal in this case... but the less harmful ones .. were it only affects yourself would be legal ...

    sorry for my rambling .. im pretty stoned .. and maybe this dont make sence... but it sure does for me at the moment... lol..
  9. if the u.s. government keeps bending their definition of what "supporting terrorizm" is... and finds a way to tie weed with terrorists (which they already have, because cannabis is their enemy) soon enough they will have the ability (lawfully, not morally) to jail anyone who smokes weed. unless, of course, you grow it yourself, which terrorists can't benefit from.. but still comes with a harsh penalty itself.

    just think of the commercials.. they're just trying to engrain into the heads of the populus(sp?) that weed=terrorizm so that when they pass a law that says "buying ganja is a terrorist act and should be punishable as such" more congressmen and general public will vote yes...

    homeland security, national defense, and terrorizm are becoming more and more loosely used phrases, my friends..

    and by the time we realize how much it has been used as an excuse for absoloute control, it will be too late
  10. My favorite sage and fellow Okie, Will Rogers said over 65 years ago, "The U.S. has the best politicians money can buy."

    All these years later it still applies. Let's look at the last several elections. The winner has almost exclusively been the one who raises the most cash. So in order to compete, you have to have a lot of $$$$! So who has the most $$$? That's right sports fans, the CORPORATIONS

    So the corporations are really running things, because they bought and paid for the elected officials, who make the laws, decide who is our enemy is, how we are allowed to live, etc. etc.

    Do you think there is one major news media outlet that is'nt controlled by a corporation? Hell, they're all trying hard to merge into one giant media outlet, much easier to control what the masses have access to that way.

    The giant faceless corporation I work for (hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do!) has been on the slide since 9-11. Someone on the eastern seaboard, sent a memo with the names attached of the 12 unfortunate souls who now have to go job hunting. Everyone of them lost their job because they had been in their departments the shortest time. There are plenty of other people who are'nt very good at their jobs, or flat can't do them, that are still working here! Why do we waste time with the evaluation process twice a year if it's not going to be used for anything but a hand spanking tool? Local management had no input on who went and who stayed. I was fucking livid when I left work that day!

    And it all started because somewhere in Germany, (They "own" us) some extremely rich men decided that they and their rich cronies needed a bigger return on their investment.

    Closer to home, I could go on for hours about Enron and WorldCom. Motherfuckers getting rich off of their employees! Where are the fucking morals that all these corporations like to bomb us with when we try to watch football?! I must be starting to get pissed because I see the f word showing up more and more. But.....................FUCK!

    When the fuck is the nation going to stop accepting what it's being shoveled on a daily basis? What will it take? I thought that maybe the day the jets hit the building that maybe the thing was going to happen that needed to happen to get us back on the right track. But it got analyzed to death until you just got kind of de-sensitized to the whole friggin thing! Imagine that. A tragedy of that magnitude, and being able to even think that you could be immune in any way!

    What were the goals of the terrorists that warm September morning that all those innocent lives were lost?

    Disrupt the American economy.

    We've always done a pretty good job of doing that ourselves, but I think they can say mission accomplished.

    Put fear into mainstream America.

    Well, I know of 12 people who are wondering what the future holds. Mission accomplished again.

    Which brings me to my overall grade on the US 9-11 reaction.


    It was great the way we pulled together behind a complete dufus in Bush. It was nice to see all the flags at first. It restores your faith in humanity to see those who put their selves in the way of danger to help others. I liked the way we had a suspect and were in the process of tracking down the man behind it all and his operatives.

    So you say why D+ for that?

    Because now the Dufus has reflected all the attention to Iraq and getting everything stirred up nicely there. Why?

    Because he's lost the scent he was on. Gotta keep those numbers up in the approval poll, election coming ya know! Iraq always a poll pleaser! Worked for his dad really well!

    The biggest bitch of it all was Tora Bora. Y'all read the newspapers? Ya remember that?

    Tough ass mountain country! These mountains are one of the reasons Afghanastan has never been owned by one of the modern world superpowers. It's the closest thing to impregnable you'll find.

    Osama was there with the 101st airborne, and other assorted killing machines in his face. It was going to be a bloodbath to get him, but it could have been done. Our troops were awaiting the go ahead to do it. In a call that reeks of Colin Powell, they decided to let Afghan Nationals (some of whom, had switched sides repeatedly in the Taliban part of the war) go into to take him, with our troops supproting them so as to keep casualties down. The natives blew it, Osama went over the border into Pakistan, and has'nt been seen since.

    Bush blew it. He had a chance to lose his dufus rating. He coulda finished one job before taking on another one. History will not be kind to him. If the media outlets don't have control over that too!

    I'm at the point now that I'm gonna get me a bumper sticker that says "STOP WAVING THAT FLAG IN MY FACE AND TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!"
  11. your a smart man okie..

    i feel so young and stupid.. lol

    but it just shows the state we're in when your opinion can only be seen on here..
  12. there must be a large number of people out there who support the war for what ever misinformed reason. i am very curious to see if Dubya can trick enough people into voting for him this time around. the whole thing pretty much sickens me.

    while i am thinking of it, what do you have to do to get residency in canada? does anyone know?

  13. Don't you be calling me names!:)

    Which brings me to another point that I was going to make but was getting to riled to continue earlier.

    Maybe the one thing that can change the whole world around, is what we are collectively sitting in front of at this minute.


    You and your 'puter!

    For the first time in history, you can communicate with people from everywhere, and you realize that we ain't so much different, really. Kinda just want to be left alone to live our lives as we see fit.

    Just as I was typing this, here comes Ozzy on the satellite, telling me, "I'm just a dreamer, dreaming my life away."

    Oh well.

  14. Great post smokie.. I think you hit the nail on the head!
  15. i cant belive how exactly in sync my opinons are with the people that have posted so far. to answer norm's original question, as long as the people are eased into facism, they wont even notice. Why rebel when you can whatch cable? is the basic mentality of the average american. i agree with Zia. I love my country, hate the pople in it and the people who own it. Did you see Bush's newest speach? ignoring all of the times he jumbled his words and sentince struture, he said that he would persecute (he meant to say prosicute) any iraqi solder who fires on an american troop as a war criminal. HE CANT DO THAT! IRAQ IS A SOVERN NATION!!!! but he will do it in the end. The greedy capitalist bastard.
  16. the only madman i'm scared of in the world is Bush....he's so unpredictable.....and phoney Tony will follow him to a bitter end.....Peace out....Sid
  17. So exactly how do the people go about redrawing the government? I mean if the nation decides this gov't isn't working, how do you change it? That's all I want to know, is how to do it once you get to that point?
  18. Trying to work within the system doesn't get much results either. When election times roll around candidates just say what the people want to hear, and then change their platform once they've secured the position. Unfortunately, "Old Money", and "Old People", run this country and to them MJ is akin to heroin, crack and crime. But, not booze. You would have a revolt on your hands then. Just like the politicians and common folk(who consumed most of the product anyway) did back in the 20's. So, how do we get the laws changed? It won't be through armed revolt that's for sure. Electing city officials that stand behind what the people want and DEMAND!
    Then you do the same with the states and hopefuly on to the feds. I'm sure one of them bud smoking economist in the White House has figured out that if they made a cash crop out of the MJ and taxed it like booze or cancersticks,and used the same laws to regulate it, then say bye-bye to the city, state and federal deficits....Sorry for the rambling, but damn this is good bud :) "POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!"

    "Ya'll pass me that bottle and I'll sing ya'll a real song"
  19. Phil Bredeson just give his yearly pay check up so some of the government employees would't get laid off.

    To answer the question of how to change the gov. Look through RMJL's post and sign potitions. The petitions do work if it is through the right ones..

    Bush has lost down to 42% of backing from the people of the US. He is getting weeker by the day.

    Another thing to do is, write your congressman, senators, and state represenatives. Make sure you write a good hionest letter. Don't act pissed off or be beligerent.

    We can make a difference for our future.
  20. The ignoring of the opinions of the people livi´ng in a country is a worldfide fad in politics, Prime ministers etc. are more keen on raising their own pay checks than to fill the needs of the citizens. In finland this came pretty clear when Ministers decided that it's not neccesary to rise salary of social workers (teachers, chil care etc.) my mom is a nurse and her salary is hardly enough to pay the rent and buy the food, and she's supposed to grow three children with that too, soo we're pretty poor, and the situation is the same with every one on the social business. So the ministers ignored the voice of the union. OK that's not a big deal, maybe it wasn't possible but a month after that they raised they're own salary with some 1000$ a month, and they allready had quite fat pay checks, infact they're rich. I don't understand laws that tell us what to take inside us and what not to, Decent and reality based information about the effects and the bad sides of "drugs" should be enough, I mean who wants to take something that you get hooked after one shot? A person I know took heroin and said "well it was the king stuff indeed, I'm never goin to buy it but if it's there I can't say no any more" and he knows that after the second time it get's more appealing and after the third time and more and more and more. But plants and mushrooms grow out there!!!!! they're plants! they shouldn't be illegal.

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