When Your Kid Smokes Pot

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by oltex, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. I just e-mailed that article to my mom :wave:
  2. Dont get me wrong ive had and have my issues like clonapin and norcs,hydros...ect yes weed is much less much much less harmful in many ways to fuel my addiction i ran up 4 cc cards yep im hurtin for sure now not worthit dont see ppl gettin that desperate with weed and if ya are learn some patients and the art of growing. My gfs mom is real bad 500 mg of morph, 120 norcos, 4 xanax bars a day wtf r our docs doing, ohhh padding mr. pharmo, and politians pockets while making and enabling a nation of addicts!!!!!!! let the weed thing go ppl lets leagalize it and put it in its rightful place before anything manmade makes its way to my body id like to try out what god had for me from the get go! Treatment is like prison send half way ok ppl to a place where they can learn/ be forced to learn how to be worse this is all true!!!!:eek::mad:
  3. one's usceptibility to addiction should also be thought of when arguing the addictivness of marijuana....
  4. This actually got to me...like dont get me wrong my parents are my parents and I love them to death and would do anything for them...but my dad is always stressed out cause of his new business and is always expecting me in his words "the best I can be" meaning what he wants me to do what he wants me to do and my mom is just always yelling and getting mad over the smallest things if nothing at all...thats the reason I love smoking because it calms me down and not have to worry about my family issues...I have been smoking weed since I was a sophomore in high school and now 20 years old...my parents found a make shift bong and this web site up on my laptop...and asked me if im smoking weed and if Im addicted, so its been 2 weeks since ive smoked and yet nothing physically or mentally has happened to me I have no problem taking a break at all.. I just enjoy being high, it makes everything so much better. but anyways my parents sat me down and had the "talk" that im sure a lot of you had with your parents and they just wont ever get it...I actually broke down telling them how I felt and that the feeling of never making them happy or "proud" of me is the reason why I smoke (not trying to sound like a pussy)..and dont get me wrong its not like im a fuck up...I was in honor society played varsity baseball and basketball and everything in high school and now I sell houses for a living and do quite well for someone my age, but again because of the fact that they found out I smoke they think im fucking up my life and dont believe me when I say that I dont fuck with pills or any of that other bull shit...but the fact that I do smoke they think I do everything else...and the thing is they couldnt even tell I smoke until the day they found my bong and this site. sorry about the rambling this article just kind of hit me and there is no point on forwarding this article to my parents because its a lost cause with them
  5. If hes under 18: beat his ass

    If hes over 18: steal it

    If hes over 18 and smart about it all: smoke with him

  6. If hes under 18: beat his ass (and steal his weed)

  7. ^^this

    the mind is powerful...powerful enough that if you use it properly, can disregard the myth that its "psychologically addictive" and go on about your life without ever looking back to it...never again will you feel like you need weed

    ...with that being established, i must also say that its unnecessary, why would anyone wanna quit tokin?! aside from the legal issues associated with it like getting caught/passing dt's for a job...if people would quit making smoking weed such a big fckn deal, this world would be a better place

    but wtf do i know, i'm jus another stoner right?? right!! ;D

    toke up blades/bladies...enjoy life :)

    dont mind the people who are against you, they are not worth your thought

    jus my 2cents :smoke:
  8. I'm sorry but most parents who do this kind of stuff should be the ones sent to a hospital because they have no idea what they are doing hahaha.
  9. Excellent post to the OP, it's incredible how much turmoil is caused by a dysfunctional home. It's very sad if you think about it... we don't choose our genes / families.

    + rep
  10. Parents finally accepted the fact Ima pothead!!

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