When you grow your own you smoke how much you want I'll smoke a ounce tonight if I want Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
the mistake many make growing their own, is they just gotta tell everyone, that soon leaves little over, for the over worked grower, so you must grow more, ...lol so the first gen tells the 2nd gen and again you need to grow more ..lol don't tell
That's great, my friend. These days I don't need to grow my own to smoke as much as I want, lol. I just don't want to have to smoke an ounce.
I've set out 4 ounces of 4 separate strains for the impending 4 day weekend, I suspect all of it will be gone by Sunday night, though my personal consumption will probably be slightly less than 1 ounce over those 4 days. I also prefer my own to pretty much anything commercial as do most of my mates. That being said, if trying to blaze your way through a whole ounce in one night is you living your best life, I say go for it, and also that I'd be impressed, for what its worth, props mate and good smoking!
My days off I smoke more or less all day, that being said, I estimate my consumption at 6g per day off. I could probably double that easily enough if I had a reason, but more than that is pushing it.
I have a tobacco rolling machine that I clean out and roll a harvest joint. I just tear the filter off. This year I had a colander that I use to dry just full of weed on the table. We miss those days when times are bad.
I've had evenings where I've said to myself, "I'm gonna chief all evening and get really high." I'll take maybe three hits and all of a sudden it's a half hour later and I'll say, "Oh yeah, I was supposed to be hitting the bong hard tonight."