When You Get That Feeling Something Bad Is About To Happen...

Discussion in 'General' started by ismokecannabis, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. ...and than it does. Isn't that weird? Like I have a really strong connection to that type of thing, and when shit is about to go down, I know it. It is very strange. Sometimes my reaction to that feeling can actually cause the future situation to end up worse, and sometimes there is nothing I can do, but when I know, I know.

    EXAMPLE: I am planning on getting a fat sack on the low from a friend. Said friend is trustworthy and hooks it up all the time and I am excited. However, I start to feel that it is just not going to happen, for whatever reason, and there is nothing I can do. Later I get a call "man I'm busy can't meet u and got work tomorrow damn" AND BAM I'm pissed but I knew it was coming.

    Does this happen to anyone else? Like for me I KNOW when I get the feeling exactly what it is, it's a certain thing at this point. I don't know if I can just feel energy from the world or what but it has happened a few times and is always accurate, and it almost always has to do with something that is going to happen not happening, or something bad (getting arrested, pulled over, in a fight, etc) is going to go down.

    Anybody else think they get this feeling with as much accuracy?

    AND for anyone who noticed yea 3rd thread in the general forum today haha, I have a lot to talk about :p

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