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When You First Started? How bad have you been ripped off

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Jflutts, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. In the past I payed $40 for 2.5 gs of crumbs from some mids that wasnt even that good to begin with haha
  2. never really, but i have been lucky to always have friends who also cultivate, and for the past 10 years, i can only rip me self off.
  3. Payed 92$ on supposivley an 1/8th but if i look back it was probably 2 grams or less. wasnt bad weed though.:eek:
  4. Ive never been ripped off more than a few points here and there, but ive probably gotten hooked up a few points too, so it evens out.
    Although my friend got an eighth that turned into about 1 bowl...He was pissed lol.
  5. #5 Kemo1121, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2009
  6. Got 5 and half oz for 400 bucks. I thought it was a good deal until I realized how schwag it was. Only other time I got shorted was 12 grams on a QP. This is why I weigh everything out when I am there now. That's it though, most people hook me up since I am pretty well liked.
  7. I told some dude at school i was new to smoking and he probaly was ripping me off hard for a good year or so. What a deuche. Found my own dealer from a good friend never saw that fuck again.
  8. I'm sick of where I live, people are trying to sell skimp bags ALL THE TIME. I always see "eigths" that are no more than two grams of mids for like $25.
  9. Back in the day I paid $30 for 2 xanex pills thinkin I got a deal lol. But I've never been ripped off with weed, my close friends used to deal so I'd always get shit from them.
  10. I was buying some dank from this dude at work. It was 60 an 8th and it was always good. One day i give him 60 bucks and he hands me a bag of the brownest looking shit i had ever seen. It looked like it had all been partly smoked and just ashed into my bag.
  11. I personally never been ripped off but my friend traded his xbox 360 for 8 bags...from the skimpiest dealer in town. Me and my other friends think he got 2 grams max
  12. #12 Sketchy Newb, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2009
    When I was a newb smoker, I never bought sacs unless I had a more experienced friend with me. Any time someone tried to rip me off, one of my friends would get angry at the dealer and get him to add to the sac.

    Now, I generally buy alone, but I'm good enough at eyeballing to know when I'm getting ripped off. Thankfully, my most reliable guy always weighs his stuff out in front of me and it's never shake or dirt either. Nice, plump buds

    A friend of mine paid $40 for 2 grams. The dealer told him it was the bombest shit in town. My friend brought it over to my place and we toked at our chill spot. We smoked the entire 2 grams out of his bong, and neither of us got that high (even though I'm a regular toker, .4 of my normal dealer's stuff sends me flying). I mean, I felt it for maybe 1.5 hours, but I really wasn't that high at all. The price my friend paid was outrageous because in this town you can get a gram high-end club stuff for $15. The dealer got what was coming to him a few months later when he got jumped after he jacked some gang member's bike. He got beat to a pulp and the guys who jumped him took his weed (he had a quarter-O in his backpack), his scale, and his wallet.
  13. i used to buy eighths for 70 bucks, but at least it was always good but that was in the beginning, a loooong time ago

    now its 20 bucks cheaper for the same type of dankness :D
  14. Tossed $10 on a twenty sack of "strawberry kush", which was a gram of dro (beasters) with that strawberry tobacco flavoring shit dripped on it.

    Before I knew better. Other than that I can't really remember getting too screwed, I've been generally lucky with bud.
  15. A friend stole 150 dollars from me.

    I attempted to buy a half o of some real good haze, only got like 1-12 grams for 2 something
  16. I never really got jipped more than a gram or so.

    I found 2 very reliable dealers when I first started tokin and I have gone to them ever since. The few times I went to other people I got ripped off.
  17. yeah i once bought 2 prerolled joints from this dealer i knew he said there was a gram in each of them so i was like "okay whatever" because i was really new at smoking weed at the time, so he hands me the joints and im like "wtf?!" cause these things were rolled in computer paper and taped up, but being the noob that i was i got a buddy over and smoked them. it was really harsh and about halfway through my joint some curry powder fell out, the whole damn thing was curry powder. i was pissed
  18. My first time buyin weed i gave him the cash before, and he just never came back. I got that fucker back though, slashed his tires.
  19. My first few times trying to buy pot ended horribly. The very first time, a friend of mine said he'd just gotten a new dealer, and wondered if I wanted to slpit an eighth with him. We each put in $35 (I didn't know proper prices back then), and went ot buy it from him. The dealer had "insisted" on using a hairdryer to seal the plastic bag shut "so it didn't smell", but the real reason he did it was so that he could drive off with the money before we realized he'd given us a bag of arregano.

    The next time I ever tried to buy weed, and the first time I actually did, it was with a friend I'd never really smoked with before, but he was still a friend, so I trusted him. Turns out he's the biggest Scrooge when it comes to weed. He said he was short on cash, so if he put in $20 and I put in $40, he'd let me have two thirds of the eighth. Like I said, I trusted him, so I agreed. I still had the baggie from the last time I tried to buy, so before we even went to pick it up, I gave him the baggie so he had somethine he could put my share in. Well, after we got the weed we drove around and smoked some, and when we pulled back on campus two minutes before we had to be back in our dorms for curfew (our dorms were less than two minutes apart), he said he'd lost the bag I gave him, and that he'd bring the weed up to me first thing in the morning. The next day rolls around, and he's not answering his phone, so I go down to his room, where I find him and his roommate smoking a bowl. Turns out, they were smoking the last of the weed, and no, not his cut of the weed, but the last of the weed, period. Never bought weed with him again, and never smoked with him again, either.

    While I did waste $75 on my first two tries to buy weed, I did learn real fast to only buy from a dealer I trust, and to never go in with someone else on weed. I'm happy to report that after those two times, I never got ripped off, and I always seemed to score pretty dank weed.
  20. my friend bought 3 grams from this kid who said he had decent mids. I go over to my friends house, he holds up the bag I and asked him if he asked to buy dirt. This was some shit you would find 10 feet under the ground, it had more seeds than a bag of sun flower seeds. It was the worst shit I have ever seen. I told him if he ever bought from the same kid again, i'd kill him. The only good part out of buying that crap, was my friend sold the seeds in the bag to someother kid at our school and told him your guarenteed to grow females with those seeds. 5 for $25

    The kid couldn't understand why I said female in the same sentence as grow, it was great.:smoke:

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