when will this be restocked?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by stoned panda, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. no idea but i've seen things take over a month to get back in stock
  2. wow really? like ik it takes time to make them but if your company is solely making glass shouldnt you have a constant supply?
  3. Well... thats a Weed Star bong... so, grasscity has to wait, until Wstar has more to order, ya know?

    But yeah, Ive seen shit take weeks-months
  4. wow thats great i was really hoping to get this for mine and my bros birthday
  5. Not only that but be prepared to wait around a month just for it to get to the States.
  6. wow i was reading the reviews and it said it took less than a week to get there. anywhere else i can get it from
  7. i just checked your link and it says "back in stock"!

    happy smokin!
  8. no im pretty sure it says out of stock
  9. #10 Free The BIRDS, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011

    no for me man.

    for me it clearly says back in stock.... heres a copy and paste


    theres this blue line thats by itself says back in stock..... its part of the sentence before though....

    it says out of stock MA BAD
  10. you cant link to other sites here... so... you wont get an answer to your question in here...

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