Jonny - 3 Jet Tornado Super Helix - English - i've been waiting like 2 weeks for it to get restocked. can anyone give me a guesstimate?
wow really? like ik it takes time to make them but if your company is solely making glass shouldnt you have a constant supply?
Well... thats a Weed Star bong... so, grasscity has to wait, until Wstar has more to order, ya know? But yeah, Ive seen shit take weeks-months
wow i was reading the reviews and it said it took less than a week to get there. anywhere else i can get it from
no for me man. for me it clearly says back in stock.... heres a copy and paste nvvvvvvm. theres this blue line thats by itself says back in stock..... its part of the sentence before though.... it says out of stock MA BAD