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When will more states recognize MMJ?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Ms.NatureFaerie, Sep 28, 2008.

  1. I know that there are probably many things that have to happen before a state brings a law like this into action, but how long do you guys think it will take before all of the U.S. accepts MMJ and allows patients to legally receive help?
  2. Wow. With the financial system on the edge of ruin, it might be a while. Might be very low priority (unless they need the revenue.) If it gets to that point though, its gonna be the wild wild west anyway. :eek:
  3. What do you mean?
    I think it'll be a very long time before every state takes medical marijuana route.

    Some it can be 2 years, many like 10+.

    All depends the majority of the delegates or whatever(I don't know much about politics to know exactly where it's discussed), then it's brought to the voters in NOV.

    The 10+ I know will probably never accept it is.
  4. Yeah, I realize its a question that really has no specific answer. I am just curious of timelines that people think it will happen in and why. Why do you feel that way about Georgia and Virginia? Is there anything particular that leads you to believe that? I don't live in either state...just curious ;)
  5. Well I got people in both the states, the harshest laws you'll ever hear or see about. I mean the harshest, everyone looks down on weed as a whole.

    Georgia is harsh on big shit not blunts/smoking per say but when that quota comes they crack down.

    Virginia is a commonwealth and is very strict on everything that's marijuana.

    Always been tossed out when brought up at the delegates votes onto the senate or wherever it goes(remember Bank isn't up to par on Politics).
  6. Cool...thank for your insight. I don't keep up with politics either. In fact, politics annoy me quite a bit. Anyway, you think the bible belt will have problems seeing this as something positive?
  7. Not so much:(. You notice both the states I named are in the Bible belt lol.

    It's going to be hard to get the southern states to get past the negative and see the positives in it.

    Politics annoy me too so many lies to keep up with, confuses me like hell.
  8. Yeah that's why I went ahead and mentioned the belt as a whole. Maybe once the DEA stops arresting MMJ patients we will see some better results. And yeah they confuse me too and in the end it's never worth the confusion.
  9. Maybe so,they only chase the easy shit, can't go out and find real criminals.
  10. I honestly doubt AZ will have MMJ for awhile, atleast not with that idiot Joe Arpaio being the sheriff.
  11. Yeah and what about Texas?
    There is just too many states that I don't see getting MMJ laws anytime soon..
  12. Texas is a big one,very long time:(
  13. where i live in ga.
    cops just say don't smoke at home
  14. I concur he thinks people who smoke cannabis are 'terrorists'.
  15. Don't smoke at home? that's where you supposed to smoke, or in your friends home
  16. "When will..." is looking in to the future.

    The way I see it there are currently 5 states which let their "Recognition law" expire...and didn't do sh!t about KEEPING IT!
  17. NEVER! J/k. Idk, I am pretty sure it will happen in at least my time (unless I get shot in the head right now). probably within maybe 20 years? It seems like a lot but it's a long process, people shouldn't expect it to happen over night.
  18. *knock on wood*

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