What I'm asking is sorta hard to explain but do flowerws appear because the plant "thinks" winter is coming because of the shortening days like how fruit trees know when to produce fruit or do flowers just appear after like a month or whatever time no matter what time of year you plant it? Thanks
I'm a newbie, but I will try and explain with the hope that someone corrects me if I'm wrong. The MJ plants cycle is dictated by light and dark hours. Most/some plants will display pre flowers during vegetation after 5/6 weeks ish. To enduce flowering, the plant needs 12 hours darkness and 12 hours light. Hope this helps, hope I'm right!
As winter aproaches the days become shorter which trigers the plants flowering. When you are keeping the plant in a vegitative state (24/0, 18/6) It will continue to grow without flowering (sometimes preflowers apear). When you send it into 12/12 the plant believes winter is coming and begins to flower.... There are some strains that are autoflowering so after a certain amount of time they will flower no matter the light cycle, but you probably wont run into them to much.
Because when I posted the question originaly the server timed out so I didnt know the thread had been made but I had the question copied ready to be pasted because I typed it on microssoft word so I just repasted it when the grass city forums started working for me again because I couldnt access them for like half an hour.