When to water?

Discussion in 'Coco Coir' started by Cocogrower2013, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Just put my germinated seeds into little cups. Should I keep the coco moist at all times or wait until it dries out to water it? Also, do I give it a 10-20% run off each time I water or just lightly squirt it?
  2. everyday at least, some guys have found smaller feedings more frequently have given them better results. feed for 15-20% runoff everytime, again some guys do even more, upwards of 30%.
  3. Uhh you sure about that?? I wouldnt start watering everday until you get some good roots established.
  4. You don't need to water everyday. Just keep the coco moist at all times. You don't want it to periodically dry out like soil.
  5. Ok awesome. Thanks guys
  6. Right on I feed 5x a day and get nice bushy plants (no head room for tall girls )
  7. clflatt was the one i remember saying he fed several times a day and it actually increased his yields. ;)

    I'm still pretty new to this, but i feel like i'm getting a better grasp on this whole coco thing. and the whole concept of coco is meant to be like hydroponics, not soil. Would you ever turn your drip feeder off on your hydro system for over a day? I doubt it.

    Watering does other things for the plant besides feeding it, it helps aerate the medium/root system and helps the plant get rid of any waste or excess nutrients. The other beauty is you basically can't over water it, it will drain what it does not need.

    Now i don't know about you guys but i've got some seedlings right now in solo cups and if i don't feed those things every 24 hours, they're more dry then they want to be..
  8. Mine are under a t5 lamp right now, so they don't dry out very quickly. Coco stays moist at all times, but do I need to water it everyday at this point of its life? Or just keep it wet? I'm a First time grower, sorry.

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  9. mine are under 4 bulb t5 as well, i keep it really close to light and have 2 small fans going, so that def makes it dry out quicker. honestly man, even if its as little as 1/4 pint per day, just enough to make a little drain out of the bottom of the cup... i would say mine are about 3x bigger then that at this point.

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