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When to take a t-break?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Chillumss, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. I've noticed my tolerance has gone up since ive been smoking daily for the past month. the highs arent as strong or last as long. I have no reason to stop though. I see it is, if im bored, why not get high. I want to take a break, but at the same time i don't. I need a motive..
  2. if it isn't affecting your work or Wallet than keep on smoking but a week off will do wonders
  3. if you don't want to quit, change your life style for the better. Join the gym, work out, sweat hard, eat healthy(don't eat shit cuz you have the munchies) and you won't have a tolerance.

    Atleast it works for me, one bowl and I don't need/want to smoke anymore. And I don't even pack huge bowls, enough for 2 clean, fat rips and a not so clean rip :smoke:

  4. I'm guessing every time you want to take a break, your high, and every time you don't, your sober? Thats the way it was for me. You just have to find your own motive. I personally think that t-breaks caused by work, or financial issues aren't real T-breaks. Part of the beauty of a T-break is willpower. Being able to prove to yourslef, and others, that its not addicting, and your not addicted.

    Find a way to celebrate. Make the start of your t-break a special occasion. Roll a nice joint with some keif on top, or bong your brains out. The next day, instead of waking up with a bowl, wake up and remind yourself that your indulgence the night before was to celebrate a commitment to yourself.

    I'm taking my T-break for a month, but however long yours is, also plan to celebrate coming off of it. I plan on buying a half ounce of some dank and making edibles and having an all out "stuff my face with firecrackers and smoke from the bong till i'm twitching on the floor" night. This also provides added motive, because depending on your ending celebration, you can use the time to gather the money for it together.

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