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When to switch nutes from Veg to Flower?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Punky_Brewster, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. Hey again. Sorry for so many posts, but you guys are just so helpful. None of my girlfriends are into growing (it's more of a guy's sport I guess) so I feel alone in this battle but it's been really great having this community to turn to.

    I've got two setups going on right now. One outside, and one inside. My outdoor plants are doing really well, and this week I've notice that one of them is starting to flower, with the others shortly behind by maybe a week or two (despite all clones coming from the same plant and receiving the same care).

    My question is, do I treat all of them like they're flowering and switch up my nutes, or do I just focus on the one that's more advanced than the others and bring the others along in a week or so?

    I'm currently using Advance Nutrients Micro, Grow, and Bloom, and I will be adding in Big Bud and Bud Candy for my flowering.

  2. I also have an indoor and outdoor grow. Love seeing how the plants perform in each environment. Mine started flowering a few weeks ago outdoors in Massachusetts. Continue to give it veg nutrients until the stretch is done, then switch over. Personally, I'd just switch them all at the same time, but that's just me.
  3. I’ve got an outdoor plant goin as well. I have a feeling it’s more sativa dog than indica though so it hasn’t shown sex yet.
    Not sure what the rule is but I plan to keep feeding veg line up till week 4-5 of flower.
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  4. There's really no rules in this game. Haha. I personally feed veg nutrients for 3 weeks from start of flowering (which is not all that easy to determine outdoors). In fact i gave them their first flower feeding just a couple days ago once i was pretty sure the stretch was done. Ya just gotta kinda understand your specific plants and try to figure out what they need (without overthinking it too much) and hope that you're right!
  5. I do veg nutes the first two weeks after the stretch begins, then 50/50 veg and flower for two weeks. After that strictly flower nutes.
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