When to feed??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Norcals_dankest, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Hey I have my nutrient water mix ready and I was wondering how often do I feed my plant the nutrient infested water?
  2. id say fill the the pot then set it aside strait water for two weeks then do nutes again. prolly should only have to do it 2 time then strait water the rest of veg. then another 2 times during the first 4 weeks of flowering. just watch for wilting leaves. if they wilt then stop completely or just seriously cut down on the nutes.
  3. Three things...

    First, what type of nutes are they?

    Second, did the manufacturer provide instructions for the nutes?

    Third, pre-mixing your nutes is usually not a good idea. They will lose potency rather quickly.

    Good luck.
  4. Not sure how you can give this advice without even knowing what the nutes are. Also, most nutes are used on a weekly basis throughout the entire grow. With the exception of the last two weeks of flowering.

  5. well i really have no exp. with nutes cuz the soil i use has been pre used and it has plenty of nutes in it. if i were to give it more then the leaves would wilt and fall off. learned that the hard way.

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