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When to feed nutrients.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Fostergick, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. Here’s my 45 day old Zkittles in 5gal ffof soil. I’m not seeing any indication nutrients are needed. I usually jump the gun and feed early. Not sure if I should start feeding or wait until she shows signs.

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  2. I would wait to feed still. I would be careful of the watering right now, might be fighting a bit of root rot / gnats.
  3. Hold off on the water. Just give it a lift test. You'll know when to water it.
    Also straighten it up. A small dowe rod down the inner edge of bag.
    Your objective is to keep lower branches cut, kinda flat top the canopy at first, top it. Change to 12 12. Your ph looks good. Also. Incorporate both led and hps during flower. Make sure you keep good air flow.
    Good luck. Keep in touch

    Sent from my SM-S124DL using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  4. I would've thought you'd been giving it nutrients. All you need really now is big bloom and tiger bloom.
    Remember, less is more.

    Sent from my SM-S124DL using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  5. Hmm I only water by weight. How can you tell? I feel something is off she seems to be small for age. Thanks for feedback.
  6. I don't think you need feed yet, but they look a little droopy and probably need water. Size looks ok. Different genotypes, different sizes.
  7. So take the following as if I'm just talking out of my ass with no real understanding of anything. Its kind of my m-o, though :)

    It's damn hard to triage plants with a couple of pics, and subjectively viewed leaf discoloration from high power leds vs household lights make it even harder....

    When I first saw the pictures, she looked droopy in a couple of them, but maybe she was just watered?. It also looked a little stunted, and new leaf growth looked curled and discolored, but maybe it was the lighting? Since you're in bag soil I ruled out nute deficiency, and you're not using bottled juices so I can scratch off lock out. That sort of leads to overwatering, root rot, and then final stage with gnats...

    Overall she's still looking good! :weed:
  8. hehe...and thats the nature of the beast with pictures and opinions.... @CrazyGardener said maybe underwatered, and i was thinking the opposite....and really neither of us really know :)

    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Thanks, yeah I messed up her lst. About the light during flowering, my full spectrum led is not enough and I should add a hps also. I added mycorrhizae to yesterday’s watering for first time.
  10. I appreciate all the feedback and hopefully didn’t come across as a dick.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  11. You're ok on the LST. The main goal is making sure the apex branch is not the main lead. Using your thumb and index finger, four or so nodes from the top...rub that stem together like you're rolling tissue paper in your fingers....she'll loosen right up and you'll be able to straighten and bend at the same time.
  12. thank you for that nugget of information.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. She’s looking much better now. So I’m noticing some changes with the leaves but nothing major. Is this what I should be looking for?

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  14. she is small i think she is hungry for light also do not water until she is dry like once a week and tiger bloom at half strength if you are planning to flip soon but get her some light at 45 days she should be twice that size
  15. can ya uploaded a couple whole plant pics
  16. When to add nutrients . Right after they pop. I will add 10 % strength . Move up with % with plant growth .
    Also depends on the soil medium your using . Yes i know you have it figured out now .

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