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when to feed flowering nutrients to Outdoor plants?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by stckyfngrs, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Hey I started my 15 seeds on April 30th under a 400watt MH indoors. Today all my plants are about 12" + in 6" pots but they seem pretty healthy. Since I don't think there will be anymore frost in my area im going to transplant them outdoors this week. I plan on diggin some holes and filling with my own mix and watering with some fox farm nutrients and good old fashion rain.

    When should I start to feed flowering nutrients to plants outdoor? I was thinking around July 21st or would that be too soon?
  2. Id say you can start a week after that. If you mixed a proper soil mix with nutrients in it then i doubt youll have to use them until 2nd week. Depends on how long the soil stays fertile.

  3. Outdoor or not flowering nutrients are being used when....flowering has started. :eek:

    That's why they are called flowering nutrients. (and not vegging nutrients)

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  4. When they start flowering. (Am I missing something here?)
  5. I was told that you should use fox farm open seasme before flowering begins is the reason im asking. Im new and do not have the experience you all have.
  6. you can use some fox farm big bloom every two weeks or so just to add some P and K to give your baby what she needs. Id say use it 2 weeks after the solstice (june 21) and then add tiger bloom in about a month. They should start budding in late july.
  7. Do you have Open Sesame?

    I use Fox Farm Ferts too.
    I have them all from my indoor set up.

    Big Bloom, Grow Big(soil), Tiger Bloom, Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, Cha Ching.

    If your running only them and no soil ferts youll def. want to go with Grow Big. If not you can proly get away with just Big Bloom. You would want to start adding open sesame with the big bloom around July 21st. Then the next fert Tiger bloom & open sesame. As soon as you start getting fully flowering switch too Tiger Bloom & Beastie Bloomz for about a month and then finish with Tiger Bloom and Cha Ching.

    If thats even worth it...

    Ill proly stick to mostly just Tiger Bloom and maybe some beastie bloomz and a little cha ching.

    Hope that helps and isnt too confusing.
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  8. Ya all asking when to add is VERY SIMPLE:

    Once your plant started flowering...all you have to do is add Fox Farm Tiger Bloom full strength every other watering (after having started out with 3 half strength waterings so the plant can adjust).

    It is really THAT simple!

    Then you will be as cool as me ;) and your plant will look like this:

  9. Indeed! Tis a nice Plant.

    Im sure the genetics had alot to do with that though. Looks like Avalanche???

  10. Strain is within the thread I linked to. :p

    No matter which's how you grow it, the strain is secondary.

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  11. #11 NewbieGreenThumb, Aug 9, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2016
    I would suggest not taking any tips from any of these suggestions. In the northern hemisphere you should start to see signs of flowering right about now to a week from now. You want to administer nitrogen along with small amounts of your p and k through the first 2 weeks of flower/preflower. Once it is out of preflower and budding go full flower nutes. Should be about August 15th. I'm at 37° north so it maybe slightly earlier or later depending on where you are in relation. My plant isn't even showing signs of preflower yet and hear it is the 7th of August.
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  12. Please tell me how much bloom you feed her. Plants average 6.5 feet now. Have found I can give more veg nutes with the larger plants. Does the same apply to bloom. Will it need more if it's larger say a higher dosage?
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  13. #13 NewbieGreenThumb, Aug 11, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
    Its hard to say how much to give your plants specifically. It depends alot on the strain/phenotype, as well as the ratio of npk in your bloom nutes, along with potted or in the ground. Obviously you are growing a sativa pheno or a hybrid, sativa dominant. I would suggest going into your bloom nutes very softly for the first two weeks after you notice preflower, steadily increasing the bloom nutes and reducing your veg nutes. Once you have reached full dosage, you will be able to see how she reacts. Look at everything, from stem color to leaf tips. If the plant handles the full dose of bloom nutes well, (You'll know within a few days, particularly in the leaf tips, as these will normally be affected first), go ahead and offer more in the next feeding. If you have a ppm measurement device, it will be your best friend in that department. You want to check your ppm before adding nutrients. If you go straight water the next time, you can measure the ppm of the drainage and see what ppm remains. If there is a high ppm, you are feeding too many nutes. In flower, in soil, in a pot, one would prefer to keep the ppm under 2000 for feeding at max nute application and around 600 run off during flowering. All in all, this is in a nutshell. Hope it helps.
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  14. 2000 ppm DAAAAMMMMMMM
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  15. Ha ha! Again, a lot of variables to consider but a hefty plant can absolutely metabolize most of that 2000 ppm. With that being said, a neutral ppm would be around 1400-1600.
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  16. I didn't read everyone's comments yet, but I personally, start giving my plants the grow big and big bloom right away once they are in the ground. I gradually increase their doses as they get larger, and their feeding schedule also increases as far as more than once a week as they start getting larger. I use more than just Fox farms, but I have had zero issues. I don't start using nutes like tiger bloom, or open sesame, or similar until just before and during flower, but big bloom definitely use throughout.
    Here's mine this year. 20160808_180408.jpg
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  17. You don't use anything but tiger bloom in your last weeks?
  18. Thank you I will send out immediately for the ppm reader. And work on getting to know the nutes better. Here is a pic of one. It's my first outdoor try. Thanks again image.jpeg
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