when should i start flowering

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by probenit94, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. i have 3 females in a 2x2xy bov with 1 150w hos. they are about a foot tall right now. should i start to flower them or wait a little bit longer

  2. if you are going to flower with the 15ow i would flower now.some might say no matter what flower once they preflower but i would jump on it now with that single 150:smoking:
  3. ok thanks. i think it is bright its in a very small space.

  4. cool just remember they will at least double in size and the 150 cant penetrate that deep.i probably would stip at least the bottom 1/3 of the plant with a 150 you should be smokin phatties in no time :smoking:

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