Hey guys, my plants have been growing very fast the past week or so (maybe 5-6 inches and multiple new side growths) and I am wondering when I should be re-potting to allow for more root growth. Both plants are 12" tall and the current pots are 8" tall and 8" in diameter (8" diameter on top and slims down to around 6" in diameter) I plan on putting them in flowering mode maybe when they are 20" tall.
as long as ur still vegg'n git r dun if u decide not to, no biggie either..i assume youre lookin to repot in 5gals?
The Rule of thumb I allways go by is if the plant is 14 inches, then you want atlest that for your root mass. Root MASS is crutial for healthy happy BIIIIIIIIG BUDZ. Dont skimp on your root area please, I promise it will get you in the end. For a good INDOOR SCROG SOIL plant I like to do a 25-35gal res per plant. They reward us everytime with Big Harvest's of TOP QUALITY GANJA. If you want regular size BUDS and Plants the you can put them in a 5gal bucket and a good 12 week sativa should have no problem. For me though, I wouldnt go below 15gal indoors for soil on a 12 week sativa. Hope this Helped The CMC Family
What exactly is a SCROG SOIL plant? Also is a 25-35gal res about the size of those huge trash cans? (what does res mean?)
Sorry for being so vague, Resivoir is what I meant when I said Res. Scrog is a growing method that utilizes a screen about 18 inches above the plants tops, the plant will grow to the screen as you will train the plant through the screen to make an even canopy. At this time you will remove the bottom half of the plant before flowering so she will focus on top Cola production only. As for the resivoirs you can buy anything, yes a 55gal heavyduty trash can will work just fine. You can go to any wal mart or a store that sells sterlite or rubbermaid storage tubs, they are extremely cheap as far as resivoirs go, and for indoor growing they are about the perfect shape. Just make sure you buy one that has atleast an 24inch root depth. I hope this was helpful. The CMC Family
I don't think I'm prepared to do a screen of green grow. But I'll try to get at least a 15 gallon reservoir/pot that is at least 24 inches deep. I'm probably gonna do this soon because when I watered yesterday I noticed that there were roots coming out of the bottom of the current pots so I think the roots are ready to grow more.
If they are growing out of the bottom of the pot they are ready to be transplanted. Typically I wait until the plants roots have started to circle the bottome of the Resivoir and then I will transplant them into their final growing pots. I can promise you will not be disapointed with your bigger Resivoir. Also if you arent ready for SCROG yet make sure you have placed some type of support for you plants Budz. I say this because SCROG allow's us to use the screen as a support for branches. Good Luck on your Grow and Keep doing what your doing. This one's for You and Your Plants The CMC Family