When should I plant the seedlings?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by JacquiJac, Jan 23, 2024.

  1. Hi folks, just wondering if someone can tell me the best time to put these little ladies into their growing medium?

    Should I leave it a little longer or are we good to go now they've sprouted?

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  2. Now.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Nice one thank you Blix! I saw somewhere it said only once they had reached 2cm but I didn't really want to wait so this is good news.
  4. Nice seedlings and as Blix said, you are good to go. One thing I might add is after a little research, I've found that I have much better success when planting them root upwards. They just seem to take off and grow better, but since you have a few, you might experiment and try it both ways. Good luck and good growing!
  5. Thanks everyone. I planted 6, and 5 have come up nicely.

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  6. "The best" that would have to be MY WAY :lmafoe:, everyone thinks so. ;) I'm leaning towards those shorter 1/4" - 1/2" tails lately with autos, I find them more fragile/sensitive than photos??? :confused_2: Longer tails get broken with Shakey hands. I do sprinkle some myco powder on the roots as well when potting up. :Love-Plant::metal:
  7. 10 months back...would have harvested by now?

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