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When Ripping A Bowl...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TreighnWreck, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Do you move the green to the top if the top?
  2. Oh typo...

    Like... say the top of the bowl is black, do you move the green to the top? Or should you just leave it in the bottom?
  3. i just keep it at the bottom, try to corner the bowl. it helps a lot
  4. I try to clear bowls in one hit, if there's still green I flip the nug.

    So yes.
  5. Ah, because I usually bring it to the top and my friend last night was like... well you're probably making all the ash go to the bottom and we're getting lunch from it...
  6. I light from the sides of the bowl. i never light from the middle. Always the corners

    No need to flip the bowl.
  7. I usaually flip it and blow out all the ash, so im getting green most of the time.
  8. I do this. After a few hits i'll stir the bowl around and blow out all the ash. Green hits the wholetime FTW:smoke:
  9. Either way it's getting burnt, it doesn't matter. (That is, if you're planning on clearing the bowl in the next few hits)
  10. Exact same thing i do, ill use a tooth pick to stir it up then put my thumb over the bowl and cover the carb and blow throgh, gets all the ash out and just keeps the good stuff in.:hello:
  11. It kind of depends on what you are smoking out of and how large the bowl is. But generally, I always corner the bowl.
  12. Lol, depends on the situation, If im blazin out my window, sketchin my parents are gonna catch me, im not gonna stir it up. But in an optimal situation, I will most likey stir it up. COME ON AND STIR IT UP. Bob Marley represent
  13. I rarely ever stir up my bowls. I break my weed up good so it usually smokes pretty well and doesn't need stirring
  14. ready to have your mind blowin?!?! i had a broken male piece that could still hold the same amount of weed. It was broken where the pull handle was, so it broke into a V shape almost down to the bottom of the bowl. When ever the top was done all i had to do was light it from the bottom of the V and got fresh greens. I recommend (if you have the skill or balls ) attempting to break a bowl you rarely use (the only time i recommend breaking anything), keep in mind it has to be one of those $5 or cheaper pieces.
  15. I take the whole hit :D don't need to stir anything up, and if there is green, I leave it be and just light it from where it stands.
  16. Well seeing as how I don't have to worry about wasting weed, I just smoke it like normal. I like to take nice big one hitters out of my bong. Nothing better than throwing a nug in and roasting the bitch ;)

  17. new type of piece? you gotta name that shit!
  18. nah, I grind my shit up and just pack it down as I go.
  19. Hmm... sounds like most people stir their bowl.

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