When is the right time?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by StephanieMarie, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. Alright so as I was responding to another thread I starting wondering what you Blades think about when you should have sex with the person you are interested in/dating/etc.

    Me and my boyfriend were together for a year before we had sex. I originally wasn't going to until I got married (Catholic and all) but I couldn't take it anymore :p. But I still believe that you should honestly wait until you are actually in a "official" relationship, not just dating. I think throwing everything out like that is encouraging the wrong type of guy, and a lot of girls think they are going to keep a guy by sleeping with him. But I think I don't want to have to "keep" a guy, the guy should be worrying about keeping me! ;)

    Anyway this is in a healthy normal state of mind, if me and my bf broke up I can almost guareentee I'd go on a fucking spree as I've said before, because of being so upset. But in general I think more girls need to keep it in their pants a little longer and then unleash the madness.
  2. So let me get this right? I've waited 24 years to find a girl I actually want to sleep with, and now you're telling me I should wait another 12 months before I have sex with her? Fuck that.
  3. How you gonna tell me.
  4. #4 Slang, Aug 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2013
  5. How do you officially know when you are in a relationship? I mean a few weeks yah I could understand that the relationship is new and all. But after a few months it's kinda just a given that you are in a relationship.

    I waited maybe 2 months before I slept with my current boyfriend, and we have been together 3 years! Or did it become official when him and I moved in after dating for 7 or so months? Or was it when we had dinner with each others parents before we moved in? Better yet is it official if stated on a public networking site?
  6. i dont know...when you both decide you dont want to see or screw other people i guess?
  7. *tips hat*
    That was most definitely an option that didn't come across my mind. To be honest I didn't have my coffee, my train of thought wasn't totally awake :eek:
  8. #9 Cottonmouth 85, Aug 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2011
    not a long time. Certainly no year.

    Its hard to put a number on, because one person might see his girlfriend longer in one week then another guy does in a month.

    But basically, I'm not going to push things too hard until I feel like we know each other enough. That being said if she says no too many times I'm leaving. No way I'd stay around even three months.

    Basically if we knew each other before hand. Then we start dating, if we spent almost all of each weekend together then she's got about 4-6 weekends to sleep with me. If after a month and a half of hanging out if she still can't decide if I'm worth sleeping with I'll make the decision for her. I'm leaving. And she can find someone else to waste their time on her with no reciprocation.

    Just bear in mind we put in a lot of effort and do a lot of things we don't want to do in order to try to make you comfortable around us. We pay for dinner, we see movies we don't want to see, go to places we don't want to go, etc. The constant pointless shit you don't need us to do but make us do to prove we care about you. The last thing we want to do after working all week is to go eat lunch at your parents house on Sunday. But we do it. In general we don't drag you around making you do stuff just to prove you care. A blowjob is enough.

    Guys are not real complicated. We have a simple balance beam style scale. On one side is how much happiness you bring us. On the other side is how big of a pain in the ass you are. Without adding sex to the equation its going to be REALLY hard to balance out how big of a pain in the ass you are in our lives.

    If you want to keep your guy, don't take forever to sleep with him. My .02
  9. #10 treelover, Aug 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Lol its ok, I usually don't wake up until a few hours after I've actually been awake haha.
  10. It honestly doesn't and shouldn't matter when the two people in a relationship have sex. If they're compatable people for eachother then its simply just that. They work cause they're compatable, not because of a specific time when his willy entered her yaya.

    But I will say this.. theres no rush.
  11. I can't answer this because the only one I didn't have sex with on the first date was my first sexual experience and we were only together a few months.
  12. Yeah that is what I was going for :)
  13. I didn't say 12 months, read the whole post before you respond, thanks. I said a reasonable amount of time, my own personal example was a year, but I was also 16. SO excuse me for not being a teenage hooch.
  14. I guess I'm old fashion and think that sex should mean something, it shouldn't just be handed out to whoever waits around for a week or so. I think the 3rd meeting suggestion was, to be honest, slutty. But whatever to each their own I guess. My man is glad he waited cause he gets pussy almost every night

    Geeze, first accused of having problems and being slutty for liking rough sex and being called a whore in the bedroom and now its like I'm a prude, lol ;)
  15. you're not a prude, i think its good to wait. i think i wouldn't wait a year..but i would wait until I was certain I was ready to sleep with someone. If it took you a year with your boyfriend then it took you a year. Every person is different. In any case though its not a good idea to just sleep with someone because you think it will keep them around, or because they want to. There is nothing wrong with having standards...and for people who are promiscuous if thats their choice, that is fine too. Sexuality is a very personal thing, there really isn't a norm because as people we are constantly changing. Personally for me I wait until I know i have feelings for someone, and they for me. I don't just sleep with people, but thats my path and what i like you know? If someone thinks your a slut for liking it rough, or prude for wanting sex to be meaningful..well forget them! Your sexuality is your business between you and your partner. If you choose to express it and people don't like that, who cares? Honestly, if its normal for you that is whats important. We have a short time on this earth, do what means something to you and what you enjoy and don't worry about whats normal. In some way or another, you will always be different to somebody..people don't like that and they attack it to feel safe. you just have to be you, and ignore people like that.
  16. I'm just a whore. Props to those who have morals.
  17. No need for labels, if both people are comfortable enough with each other, just do it. If youre just dating a person, How do you know if youre sexually compatible? You gotta experiment.
    Im not saying experiment on everyone you meet, but if you really like someone, theres no reason to wait.

  18. I'm saying, my time frame ranges from 3 days to 2 months. If i like someone, I'm sexually attracted and if i am sexually attracted i want to bone immediately, but sometimes i hold off when i have trouble reading a persons true intentions.

    I don't think having sex with someone the night you meet them screams slut, especially if they feel the same way about you.
  19. ...f...first time encounters..?:confused_2:

    what..i get horny..

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