When is the absolute latest you would transplant a plant?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by letsgogreen, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Is there a certain cutoff point where you absolutely don't transplant a plant into a bigger container?
  2. id say that two weeks before flower.

    as that stretch is the biggest out of them all.

    So id say like after 2-3 weeks your pushin it.
  3. Interesting that this should come up.
    I have always believed that the latest time to transplant was about a week before flowering. This is a good rule try to stick with it, BUT..........
    I just transplanted two plants(lsd,kandy kush) that have been flowering for two weeks and they are kicking ass............These two plants should have been transplanted before they went into the flower room but that did'nt work out, the plants were clearly root bound so I went ahead and transplanted them...........seems to be working out.
    Will this increase my yield? Can the plants expand their root system while flowering?
    Time will tell. Good luck.
    peace B
  4. thanks for the input guys. ya i was just curious because im almost through my first grow and was just wondering for next time around.
  5. roots grow very slowly in flower, you should transplant 2-3 weeks before flower. The only reason to transplant during flower is if they are so rootbound that it's causing problems.

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