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when high does anyone else ever feel

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ParanoidAtBest, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. FADED? thats all i had to ask
  2. No...that is a bad sign. You should probably quit smoking and send all of your weed to me for safekeeping until you get an MRI done.
  3. Lol, odd enough, I feel so.. Faded..
  4. #4 The Cannabis, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2009
    haha yea

    thats what some people call being stoned
  5. ...wait what exactly do you mean by faded?

  6. Faded out from reality, man.
  7. First time I got super high, I felt like I was in a dream. Is that what you mean?

  8. No I'm fuckin faded
  9. Faded? As in exceptionally stoned? Dont be ridicolous, it is extremely uncommon for people to feel anything less than sober after smoking weed :rolleyes:
  10. no dude your high as shit:smoking:
  11. Sometimes i feel like an that what you mean?

  12. lmfao,too true :rolleyes:
  13. i know what you mean haha thats why they call it "being faded" in southern california at least...

  14. fuck ya socal i'll be there soon 8D
  15. Where I am from faded means drunk, Blazed is the term we use for high from marijuana. I am pretty sure faded is a pretty mutual term among everyone in the united states, long story short your not faded your stoned, blazed.
  16. nah man im faded
    here faded means really stoned from cannabis :cool:

  17. it is amazing here. getting a medical card is as easy as buying a pack of gum.
  18. next thing you know hes gunna ask if it was laced....

  19. I'll never ask that, I'm not retarded. Dealers wouldn't waste their money to lace shit with PCP. I know I wouldn't, it's unintelligent.

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