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When drying bud....

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dendanskesimon, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Do I just leave it in the mason jar? Right now I have about 2/3 of an O in 3 jars for a total of 2. I heard I can just leave it in the jar and it should dry but that doesnt make sense to me. Wouldnt the seal on the jar prevent the moisture from escaping?
  2. Is the bud still wet? If so you need to get that out of that jars asap and into a paper bag man. If they are ready for curing you still take the lid off for a few hours a day. Here read this, this is a good starting point.

    Drying And Curing Marijuana. This Is What We Think The Best Way To Dry Your Marijuana Buds
  3. Well I just got it yesterday. Its not completely dry still a little moist. When I got it it was in a ziploc and it's alittle squishy. I can't check it until tonight cuz my parents are home. They smell a little different from smokeable buds cuz they're kinda sour smelling and not the same type of pungent.
  4. I just moved it into the little lunch paper bags cuz that's all I have. One zip in each. Do I leave the bags open or roll the top down? I guess I'll just stick it in my closet or something and hope the smells not too bad.
  5. Is there really noone that can help me? I dont wanna waste 550 on bud thats just gonna go moldy so I REALLY need help and would appreciate it for sure!

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